What are consumer and producer surplus

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Reference no: EM131683537

Managerial Economics Midterm Questions

Q1) Suppose that the daily demand for apples is D(p) = 20,000 × (5 - p) pounds and suppose that daily supply is S(p) = 40,000 × (p - 2) pounds.

a) What is the price of apples? What are consumer and producer surplus?

b) Suppose that a tax on apples is introduced of $X per pound. How much of this tax will be passed on to consumers (your answer should have an "X" in it)? What is the ratio of the reduction in consumer surplus to the reduction in producer surplus (your answer may or may not have an "X" in it)?

Q2) Short-run demand for cars is D(p) = 1,000(40,000 - p) per year and short-run supply is S(p) = 4,000(p - 30,000) per year. Long-run supply is perfectly elastic, at a price of 30,000.

a) What is the current price of cars? Is the market in long-run equilibrium?

b) What will be the price of cars in the long run?

c) Draw a graph with the short-run supply and demand curves, as well as long-run supply. Label intercepts, and identify the quantity of cars transacted in the short-run and long-run.

d) In the long run, the short-run supply curve will shift so that the market is in equilibrium at a price-quantity pair on the long-run supply curve. Suppose that the slope of the short-run supply curve does not change as the curve shifts to get the market in long-run equilibrium. Does producer surplus increase, decrease, or stay the same after short-run supply has shifted, versus the initial conditions in part (a)?

Q3) Suppose that the world supply of oil is completely inelastic at a quantity of 10,000,000 barrels per day. Demand is given by D(p) = 10,000(1,100 - p) barrels per day.

a) What is the price of oil? What is consumer surplus?

b) Suppose demand drops. Specifically, consumers are willing to pay $50 per barrel less for oil, at any given quantity sold, so the demand curve shifts down to D(p) = 10,000(1,050 - p). How much does producer surplus fall?

c) Continuing with the numbers from part (b), suppose a tax is put in place of $20 per barrel of oil. What is the price that consumers would pay after the tax is imposed? What is the price that producers would receive?

Q4) (Hard) Josie is in charge of forecasting prices and demand for platinum. She has calculated that the elasticity of demand for platinum is -3 and the elasticity of supply is 1. Last month, buyers of platinum bought 44,500 ounces, and suppliers produced 41,000 ounces, at a price of $1,000 per ounce. 

a) Approximately how much should Josie forecast that prices will rise or fall?

b) Suppose that the price of gold rises, so buyers of jewelry are suddenly willing to pay $100 more per ounce of platinum, at any given quantity sold. How much should Josie expect the price of platinum to rise, beyond the level found in part (a)?

Reference no: EM131683537

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10/17/2017 5:35:20 AM

Duration of your assignment? 1.5 hours. I NEED to get it in 1.5 hours from the time of me giving you the question. Else, my professor will take the paper away. WHICH MEANS I WILL FAIL.PLUS I NEED HIGH ACCURACY. I CAN'T COMPROMISE ON THIS. ABOVE 90%. How many Questions will come? As given in the attached files. You will have some word problems, true or false and fill in the blanks. Your answers can be handwritten on a sheet of paper and scanning it to me. I am ok with that too. For word problems, you can show basic steps nothing in detail. I prefer correct answers.


10/17/2017 5:35:15 AM

Each question is written on its own sheet(s), with a space at the bottom for you to fill in the correct answer. Please put your answer in this space and make sure you have answered all stated questions. If you need more space than provided, staple sheets with your work to the back of the exam, and please be clear when showing work. I can’t give partial credit if I can’t read what you write. The exam is out of a total of 135 points. Points for correct answers on each question are noted. You may refer to your notes, your book, other texts or sites like Wikipedia.com. The exam is long. Pick the questions you will do the best on before moving to more difficult questions.

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