What are computer-based threats to your individual privacy

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131024999

Assignment Description

One of the tangible concerns of the modern computer era is how people can maintain individual privacy in the modern information age. Computer-based threats to privacy are a significant concern for many if not most Americans.

Prepare a Word document 2-3 pages in length and answer the following questions:

What are the computer-based threats to your individual privacy in American culture?

Who is behind these threats to your individual privacy?

Would you be willing to give up certain levels of privacy for better security?

What can be done to prevent or limit computer-based threats to your individual privacy in American culture?

Based on your experience using the READY OR NOT? application in the Discussion Board assignment this unit, do you think that those who provide social media systems do enough to protect privacy?

Reference no: EM131024999

Questions Cloud

Would a change in volume of the container affect fraction : Will the equilibrium constant for the reaction increase or decrease with increasing temperature? Explain. At constant temperature, would a change in the volume of the container affect the fraction of products in the equilibrium mixture?
What is the change in interest rates : Find - The equations for I and Sp and Equilibrium interest rate, and Investment. What is the change in Interest rates from part A? Is this an indeterminate change if you don't have specific numbers
What was joness service revenue for year 2 : Jones, a consultant, keeps her accounting records on a cash basis. During year 2, Jones collected $140,000 in fees from clients.
Deployment of employees worldwide : The article Be a Global Risk Manager illustrates the dangers associated with the deployment of employees worldwide. How might the methods for planning risks discussed in this week's readings be used to solve similar problems?
What are computer-based threats to your individual privacy : What are the computer-based threats to your individual privacy in American culture? Who is behind these threats to your individual privacy? Would you be willing to give up certain levels of privacy for better security?
What is the slope of the line that models this depreciation : What kind of slope you would get if your employer decided to pay you the same salary whether you work overtime or not? Define the dependent and independent variables in this situation.
Meaning via visual communication : Compare and contrast two television programs, noting how each communicates the meaning via visual communication rather than words or dialogue
Identify the commentator''s point of view : Identify the commentator point of view. If you were giving a presentation to inform, would you express your point of view in a similar style?
Explain some virtues and shortcomings of australian computer : Explain some virtues and shortcomings of the Australian Computer Society Code of Ethics. Explain the ethical implications of "Dataveillance" in a modern day context using suitable examples.


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