What are common characteristics your chosen religion shares

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131479916

Question: Create a 15 slide presentation to summarize the key ideas of the religion you have chosen.

Include the following:

What are common characteristics your chosen religion shares with the others?

How is this religion responding to challenges (e.g., the rise of critical and scientific methodologies) in the modern world?

What has changed about the roles of women in the religion over time?

Discuss eastern religion and contemporary ethics.

Include a title slide and a references slide, and any applicable images.

Use bulleted items on the slides and more extensive materials in the speaker notes. Make sure to place speaker notes in the speaker section below each slide, not on the slide. Speaker Notes must consist of 4-5 full sentences that describe the slide content. Sources must be cited within the text and listed on the Reference slide at the end of the presentation.

Use bulleted items on the slides and more extensive materials in the speaker notes.

Cite at least one reference in addition to Experiencing the World''s Religions.

For Online and Directed Study students, these are Microsoft PowerPoint presentations with notes.

Format your paper consistent with course-level APA guidelines.

Verified Expert

Through out the many religions of the world there seems to be a common element of nature. Through the course of this paper we will seek out this element with in specific Eastern religions. There are many degrees of commitment within each of the religions discussed from the extreme of Taoism, Shinto and Confucianism, these being the religions we will further discuss. A religion

Reference no: EM131479916

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