What are challenges to achieving work-life integration

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM133587854

Assignment: Interview Project- Person with a Disability or an Agency that Serves People with Disabilities

Step I

A. Determine your own conflict management style using the Conflict Assessment Tool (linked here; also included in this "Do" folder).

B. In a Word document, address the following in complete sentences:

1. What is your primary conflict style (or styles) as identified by the assessment tool (report #s)? Define it/them in your own words.

2. Do you agree with the results of the assessment tool? Why or why not?

3. Based on the Miller reading, explain one critique o f the conflict styles construct. In other words, what is problematic about thinking about conflict using the conflict styles tool? {Hint: watch the mini-lecture all the way through...}

This learning assignment is falls under "Engagement activities". Your assignment will be evaluated based on completeness (did you do all the parts? did you follow instructions?), accuracy (did you get the concepts right when applying?), and quality (is your response insightful/supported? is it clear that you edited your work?).

Step II:

Change is a ubiquitous part of organizational life. A type of unplanned change is a crisis. Organizational responses to crises can make the difference between organizations simply failing OR organizations learning from failure(s). Let's review and discuss the case of food borne illness at Chipotle.

To begin, read There's a crisis at Chipotle that describes the case (in part) and watch this YouTube video clip of Steve Ells "Chipotle Founder Steve Ells Addresses Series Of Outbreaks | TODAY" (then CEO of Chipotle on the Today Show).

Then, answer the following in a Word document ( in complete sentences):

A. How do you see the stages o f managing organizational crisis occurring in this case? Be sure your response names each stage and clearly connects it to the case.

B. How would you evaluate Chipotle's response to this organizational crisis (including Ells a s a spokesperson)? Provide evidence for your claims. What worked well? Not so well?

C. Identify and post a link to an article that describes another type of organizational crisis.

D. Write 2 -3 sentences that summarizes how/why this is an organizational crisis (from #3 ).

This learning assignment is falls under "Engagement activities" points. Your assignment will be evaluated based on completeness (did you do all the parts? did you follow instructions?), accuracy (did you get the concepts right when applying?), and quality (is your response insightful/supported? is it clear that you edited your work?).

Step III: After completing the work-life readings for this week (i.e ., all those that are NOT in the text chapter) and viewing the Ted Talks (and incorporating any other sources you'd like - please indicate in your response), answer the following questions in a typed Word document using complete sentences:

A. What is work-life integration (in your own words)?

B. Why is work-life integration a better term than work-life balance?

C. What are challenges to achieving work-life integration?

D. How did/do Marsh and Henry achieve work-life integration?

Step IV:

Once you have read and viewed all materials for the module (the UNICEF report will b e particularly useful here), type your responses in a Word document to the following (use complete sentences):

A. Ho w does the U.S. compared to other nations in terms o f its "family friendly" policies? Explain your response. Be specific.

B. List three facts that you found surprising and/or interesting in this report. Write these IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

Reference no: EM133587854

Questions Cloud

What is the independent variable in dr. laidback study : The memory test is a list words that the participants are asked to memorize and then repeat back. What is the independent variable (IV) in Dr. Laidback's study?
Identify the causes of the great depression : Research how to frame questions stems around Bloom's Taxonomy. Include one Bloom's Taxonomy verb per test item.
Compare the role of rituals and myths in christianity : Compare the role of rituals and myths in Christianity. Define the concepts ritual and myth and then discuss a major myth of Christianity.
Describe intellectual contributions of early islam : Explain the rise and spread of Islam from its early foundations in Arabia to its growth as a global religion.
What are challenges to achieving work-life integration : Why is work-life integration a better term than work-life balance? What are challenges to achieving work-life integration?
What type of surveillance wasused : How were they stopped? What type of surveillance wasused and by what group?
Where is the immigrant group you are writing about from : Where is the immigrant group you are writing about from? What were some of the reasons they immigrated to the United States?
What is meant by the term coined by skinner as radical : What is meant by the term coined by Skinner as "Radical Behaviorism?"
How did their bosses react to both the formation of union : How did their bosses react to both the formation of the union and the labor strike? Why did the bosses react this way?


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