What are challenges now confronting flannery

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133628381


This case looks at the history of General Electric since the 1960s, with particular focus on the tenure of CEOs Jack Welsh (1981-2001) and Jeffery Immelt (2001-2017), and the company's struggles in the post Immelt era. After reading the case, please answer at least three of the following questions: What problems was General Electric struggling with during the 1960s and 1970s? How did Jack Welch move to fix the problems that Jones was dealing with? What is your assessment of Welch's tenure? What was Immelt trying to achieve at GE? What is your assessment of his tenure? What were the positive aspects? What didn't work and why? What are the challenges now confronting Flannery? What problems was General Electric struggling with during the 1960s and 1970s?

Reference no: EM133628381

Questions Cloud

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South in the immediate aftermath of the civil war : What was done to help quell the violence that broke out in the South in the immediate aftermath of the Civil War?
What are challenges now confronting flannery : What are the challenges now confronting Flannery? What problems was General Electric struggling with during the 1960s and 1970s?
What is mass casualty event : What is a mass casualty event? Provide two general examples of causes of mass casualty events
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Which was born of desperation in war : How did the advent of the nuclear age, which was born of desperation in war, shape the balance of power between the U.S.S.R. and Western Europe?
Discussed two forms of political resistance that emerged : Discussed two forms of political resistance that emerged after the abolition of slavery: the Integrationist tradition and the Black Nationalist tradition.


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