Reference no: EM13838238
Write an analytical report to address the listed questions for each selected case.
These case studies are available online from Harvard Business School Publishing. Use the following link:
1. Your report should be organized according to the three questions.
2. Each report requires research beyond the case statement. Include at least four references in addition to the case statement and lecture notes.
3. Incorporate the assigned readings and conceptual frameworks in your analysis.
4. Use subheadings and/or bullets to improve the clarity of the report.
5. Follow the format for full citation (author, title, source, date/year, page number, URL), and in-text reference (author, year).
6. You don't need to write an introduction about the company's background.
C2 CA Technologies (
Incorporate McAfee (2011), Bower & Christensen (1995) and Hagel, Brown & Davison (2008) articles in your analysis of CA Technologies case.
1. What are CA Technologies' core competencies in enabling it to maintain a leadership position in the market? Discuss how these competencies evolve over time along with the waves of technology changes.
2. Define Cloud Computing and discuss whether it is disruptive or evolutionary to CA Technologies.
3. Present a SWOT analysis about CA Technologies' intent to adopt Cloud Computing. Conclude it with a set of strategies and recommendations for Dobson to consider.