Reference no: EM133489566
Complete these Criminal Justice Computer crime review questions based on your experience or knowledge from the (Investigating High-Tech Crime) Book by Michael Knetzger.
Question A. What is the difference between open-source and closed-source data?
Question B. Explain the three basic concepts that are needed to search the Internet effectively for intelligence information.
Question C. What are Boolean search techniques? Provide three examples.
Question D. What are the four steps of the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) process?
Question E. Name at least two Web sites that can help law enforcement effectively combat e-mail harassment, threats, and cyberstalking.
Question F. Name at least two Web sites that can help law enforcement effectively combat auction/online fraud.
Question G. Name at least two Web sites that can help law enforcement effectively combat identity theft.
Question H. Name at least two Web sites that can help law enforcement effectively combat credit card fraud and other white-collar crimes.
Question I. Name at least two Web sites that can help law enforcement effectively combat 4-1-9 scams.
Question J. Name at least two Web sites that can help law enforcement effectively combat crime against children.
Question K. Name at least a Wed sites that can help law enforcement effectively combat hackers.
Question L. Name at least two Web sites that can help law enforcement effectively investigate fake identification.
Question M. Name at least two Web sites that can help law enforcement effectively combat cyberterrorism, terrorism, and learn about organized protests.
Question N. Name at least two Web sites that can help law enforcement with imaging and mapping.
Question A. What is meant by the right of the people provision of the fourth Amendment?
Question B. What is the difference between search and seizure?
Question C. What is the definition of probable cause?
Question D. Consent must be given__________ and _________to be considered valid.
Question E. What is meant by the concept of "scope" of consent when conducting a consent search?
Question F. What are the pros and cons of getting consent in writing?
Question G. what is the impact of the US. Supreme Court case ?f Georgia v. Randolph (2006) on consent searches?
Question H. To seize contraband that is in plain view officers must be in the area_________when the observation is made.
Question I. How could the plain view exception could be applied to obvious images of child pornography lawfully observed by a law enforcement officer? What would the plain view exception allow law enforcement to do? What would it not allow law enforcement to do?
Question J. How is the "lunge reach-rule" applied to the search incident to a lawful arrest exception to the search warrant?
Question K. How does the search incident to a lawful arrest exception apply to pagers and other portable electronic devices?
Question L. How does the exigent circumstances exception apply to pagers, other portable electronic devices, and computers?
Question M. What is the private party exception to the search warrant requirement and how has it been applied to computers in the field?
Question N. What are a few questions that can be asked when determining if an employee has a reasonable expectation of privacy over an area or property to be searched under the workplace searches exception?
Question O. How has the USA PATRIOT Act changed the way federal agents obtain search warrants for locations outside of their district?
Question P. Under the USA PATRIOT Act, what legal documents are needed for law enforcement to obtain information regarding temporarily assigned network addresses or billing records from Internet service providers?
Question Q. Used in conjunction with a search warrant, what is the purpose of the affidavit of probable cause? What does the affidavit normally contain?
Question R. In relation to search warrants, what is meant by the term knock and announce and how is it applied in the field? What is the no-knock requirement?
Question S. What types of information might a law enforcement officer want to acquire when preparing for the execution of a search warrant for a computer?
Question A. Define digital evidence in your own words.
Question B. List the seven phases of crime scene processing and describe each phase in your understanding.
Question C. Preservation of a computer system configuration on scene and what the state of the computer was are very important items to document. List several ways you can document how a computer was set up and what it was doing at the time of the seizure.
Question D. Why is it important to know if a computer is attached to a network/the Internet?
Question E. Why is it important to pull the power cord plug from the back of the computer as opposed to pulling the plug from the wall?
Question F. How is powering down a laptop different from powering down a desktop system?
Question G. What is the purpose of a write blocker and why is it important to a computer forensics specialist?
Question H. When a forensics specialist clones or copies a suspect hard disk drive or other data source, how can the specialist be sure an exact clone or duplicate is made?
Question I. List several things that could potentially harm digital evidence/computer data.
Question J. Can a deleted file be recovered? If so, why?
Question K. Most forensic software applications perform an indexing process on a suspect hard disk drive or data source. What benefits are there to this indexing?
Question L. Describe the Innocent Images National Initiative in your own words.
Question M. What is encryption and why does it pose a challenge to investigators?
Question A. What is meant by the term computer forensics and what is the role of the forensic examiner in the forensics process?
Question B. What is the MD5 message-digest algorithm and how is it utilized in the forensic examination of computers?
Question C. What is the role of the Regional Computer Forensics Labs (RECI) in the United States?
Question D. List and discuss three training opportunities for first responders to learn more about investigating high-tech crimes.
Question E. What are three potential ways to fund a computer forensic lab as discussed in the text?