What are benefits of a preventative maintenance program

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM131045450 , Length: word count:6000

Assessment: Portfolio Task - Facilities and Design Management

Task 1-

You are required to develop a policy & procedure to be included in an asset management manual for your area. Select a one asset within your hotel and create a policy & procedure on how to undertake preventative maintenance on an ongoing basis. Please refer to the portal for an example template.

What are four benefits of a preventative maintenance program within your establishment?

Task 2-

TAHL is committed to environmental sustainability with all of its properties. You are required to prepare a summary detailing how your establishment will adhere to this commitment in the following areas:

• Property design
• Waste management
• Recycling
• Energy

Provide at least 2 examples for each and the corresponding benefits to your establishment.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131045450

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