Reference no: EM131570346
Business Intelligence and Data Mining Final Exam
1) BrieflyDifferentiate between Business Intelligence and Data Mining
2) What are Association Rules and Provide an example
3) Explain Data Visualization. Provide a modern example
4) What are the two main types of variables? Provide an example of each
5) When thinking about Outliers, what is a simple way to find variables that are outliers, in Excel for instance. Once you identify an outlier, what sort of expertise would be called upon to determine if the outlier truly is?
6) Network Graph Y or N? Why?
7) Heatmap Y or N? What does this output tell about where to place products if this is a representation of where people move and congregate within this store?
8) For this Neural Network, label input, hidden layer and output. How many hidden layers?
9) How do neural networks adjust and learn to take inputs and ensure the outputs match as close as possible to the intended data? What is the name of the term? Provide an example.
10) For TimeSeries Forecasts so reliant on large, immediate data sources, what is the inherent problem with capturing real-time data?
11) Comment on Time Series Data assisting a restaurant on Cape Cod or up on Cape Ann. What will datasets of customer volume help predict? Is there a financial savings to be gained by applying this data? Hint: labor, food, utilities costs....
12) Label only 2 nodes and 2 edges in the diagram below. Who is the most connected member?
13) Are the two networks below equal ? Why or Why Not?
14) Applying the concept of Tokenization, how many tokens in the phrase; "132 Eastham Lane, Chatham, MA 02633". Do not count the parenthesis.
15) What is a stoplist?
Organization or institution performance
: How is measuring a firm, organization or institution's performance, a complete understanding of the leadership and management dynamics that contribute.
The expected return for the account is per year
: What is X if Steph expects to have 27,500 dollars in her account in 9 years from today and the expected return for the account is 5.86 percent per year?
Describe hand-arm vibrations
: Describe hand-arm vibrations (HAVS); what are the long-term issues an employee might have if vibration sources are not corrected?
Discuss how to minimize the problems of fatigue
: Discuss how to minimize the problems of fatigue, boredom, or practice effects in within-subject designs
What are association rules
: BrieflyDifferentiate between Business Intelligence and Data Mining.What are Association Rules and Provide an example.
Reduction of sales and net income
: Al-tech Manufacturing has seen a downturn in the market which resulted in a reduction of sales and net income.
What level of independence is appropriate
: Should financial analysts be held liable for their opinions regarding the financial health of firms? what level of independence is appropriate?
Select a human behavior and discuss how the biological bases
: discussion, from skydiving, to watching a movie, to aggravated assault) and discuss how the biological bases of behavior play a role in that behavior
How much money will dru have in his account
: Dru plans to invest 8,700 dollars in the same account. In 8 years from today, how much money will Dru have in his account?