What are area in which your professor indicated you did well

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Reference no: EM133621620

Homework: Utilize Feedback through Review and Self-Reflection

You integrated and applied elements of the course content in the Signature Homework, which allowed you to address a significant question or issue (i.e., through creative thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving, inquiry and analysis, etc.). Using the feedback from your Week 7 homework, you will have the opportunity to complete a self-reflection and respond accordingly. Reflect on and respond to how the feedback provided can help you improve your academic performance and contribute to your professional growth. In addition to your self-reflection, you will also conduct an independent literature review of relevant scholarly, peer-reviewed sources. Choose sources that support your ideas for enhancement of the course competencies and content areas where you have identified opportunities for improvement. For example, if your professor indicated you need improvement in the area of team leadership, select sources that would enhance your knowledge and skill base in this area.

Part I: Self-Reflection

You will complete a self-reflection using the Feedback Review Template. The Feedback Review Template is located in this Course Resources area. To complete your self-reflection, seek clarity from your professor about the areas you did not understand or areas that require improvement. Schedule a one-to-one meeting with your professor to discuss the feedback provided and to inform your responses. Use the Feedback Review Template to address the following themes:

A. How you developed and demonstrated the course competencies tied to this course.

B. The practical relevance of the course concepts and course competencies to your professional growth and career interests.

C. Future considerations (e.g., key trends or challenges) to keep in mind as related to the topics covered in this course.

Be sure to comprehensively address the feedback provided by professor for your Signature Homework. As you complete the template, you will be asked to address the following questions:

A. What are the areas in which your professor indicated you did well? Why do you think you did well in this (these) areas?

B. What are the areas in which your professor indicated you need to improve? What can you do to improve in this (these) areas?

C. How did your professor's feedback help your mastery of the course subject matter?

D. How did the Signature Homework and this course help you to develop the course competencies?

E. What aspects of this homework can you take forward into your professional career and why?

F. How did this course contribute to your understanding of possible trends and/or challenges related to the profession of health administration in the future? What do you need to consider regarding the course topic and why?

Part II: Annotated Bibliography

You will prepare an annotated bibliography of three scholarly, peer-reviewed resources to enhance your knowledge base related to selected course competencies and that is informed by your self-reflection and professor feedback. The resources must be current, published within the past 3-5 years. Each annotated bibliography should be no less than three robust paragraphs. Use feedback from your professor to identify scholarly, peer-reviewed sources that can help you improve in the areas noted (e.g., homework enhancement, personal and/or professional growth, topic of further interest prompted by the course content).

Use the annotated bibliography guide from Academic Success Center (ASC)* to ensure that your annotated bibliography meets all requirements.

Keep in mind for this homework, each annotated bibliography should be no less than three robust paragraphs.

Reference no: EM133621620

Questions Cloud

Find against the theory of vulgar hedonism : Although Epicurus is a hedonist, he is clearly opposed to vulgar hedonism. Can you find additional arguments for or against the theory of vulgar hedonism?
Determine which ehr system to purchase and implement : Ongoing strategic evaluation of expanded telemedicine services. The primary measures that will be used to determine which EHR system to purchase and implement.
Watch the video-the society of the spectacle : What do you see as the relationship between Plato's Allegory of the Cave, the movie The Matrix, and Dubord's Society of the Spectacle?
Who are the key policy actors and their influence : Who are the key policy actors and their influence and positions? What would be the optimal strategy to engage them? - Stakeholders Analysis Findings Chart
What are area in which your professor indicated you did well : What are the areas in which your professor indicated you did well? Why do you think you did well in this (these) areas?
How will you direct them in correcting their work : what are some commonly "misused" sources that students will, or may, use in their attempts to provide scholarly work? How will you direct them in correcting
How much of a connection to yourself : How much of a connection to yourself (your soul or spirit) do you feel you have and how are you searching for meaning and a sense of purpose in your life
What do you expect to find as signs of this type of anemia : If the patient is diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, what do you expect to find as signs of this type of anemia? List and describe.
Assess the view that life has no meaning : Assess whether the social contract theory gives a reasonable basis for understanding a government's legitimacy. Assess the view that life has no meaning.


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