Reference no: EM131457951
1. What are anti-miscegenation laws and what do they tell us about sexual scripts?
2. What effects does the culture's response to being LGBTQ have on teens who identify as LGBTQ?
3. What does the learning activity on p 327 tell us about heteronormativity?
4. What is the cult of virginity and why is it a problem? Besides the text, you can also read the link from for more recent news about the ubiquity of so-called "Purity Certificates. (Links to an external site.)
(If you type "purity certificate" into the Google search bar, you get interesting autofill results: "printable" is the 1st on mine search)
5. What does it mean to queer black female heterosexuality?
6. Why is it ok for men to focus on women's appearance when seeking a mate, but women who do the same are criticised for being superficial? The Steve Harvey show's video of women being shamed for being picky about looks shows which key concepts? (Links to an external site.)
.7. From where will you get the best relationship advice? What does this author advise? (Links to an external site.)
8. Select one of the music videos, and using Ch 5's idea that pop culture reflects AND constitutes us, analyze the video using a new Ch 6 key concepts. Be sure you show that you understand the concept.
"Love the Way you Lie"