What are angles of refraction

Assignment Help Physics
Reference no: EM133964


A violet and a red beam of light, with wavelengths of 400nm and 700nm respectively, at the same time strike an air-quartz interface with an incidence angle of 60 degrees. If the indices of refraction for these two wavelengths through quartz are 1.56 and 1.54,

(a) What are angles of refraction for each beam in the quartz slab?

(b) Illustrate a sketch to scale (i.e. the angles must be measured and drawn in by using a protractor).

(c) What is angle between the two beams in the quartz slab?

(d) If the two beams propagate in the similar direction inside the quartz, for what range of incidence angles on the quartz-air interface, will one beam be completely internally reflected and the other not?

(e) What is angle of refraction for the other beam in this case?

(f) For what incidence angle are both beams totally internally reflected?

Reference no: EM133964

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