What are a eigenvectors and eigenvalues

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131387522

Mathematical Foundations Assignment

In this assignment you will practice eigenvector decompositions, principal component analysis and stochastic matrix theory.

1. Eigenvector decomposition: Consider the matrix


(a) What are A's eigenvectors and eigenvalues?

(b) What are the matrices Q and Λ in the spectral decomposition A = QΛQT.

(c) Is A positive definite?

2. Principal component analysis: You have 15 observations of elements in R2, v1, . . . , vM, M = 15, vm ∈ R2, which you represent in a 2 × 15 matrix, X ∈ R2×15. The observations are:


Note that ∑m Xnm = 0, n = 1, 2.  You wish to explore whether the dataset is well represented by elements in a subspace, E ⊂ R2.  Specifically, you want to know how well you can represent X by xcT, where x ∈ R2, and c ∈ R15 (i.e., the subspace is E = span(x)).

Do a principal component analysis to explore how well such a sub-space representation works in this case.

(a) What is the optimal x?

(b) What is the error e = 1/M√(∑m||vm - xcm||22)?

(c) In light of your previous results, is it possible to represent the v's well in a 1-dimensional subspace, E?

3. Stochastic matrices: Consider the matrix:


(a) Show that Φ is a stochastic matrix.

(b) Is Φ aperiodic?

(c) Is Φ irreducible?

(d) Does Φ have a unique stationary distribution?

Reference no: EM131387522

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