What anticipated or perceived objections would you expect?

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM13891228

There are several ways to measure the health status of a community or an entire population. In order to understand the implications of legal and regulatory policies in health care promotion and wellness, it is mandatory to analyze the impact of the social needs of local populations on their health care issues.

Based on your understanding of the topic, create a report in a Microsoft Word document answering the following questions:

What are the benefits measuring the health status of individuals aged fifteen to sixty four years in a particular community or an entire population? What effect do these benefits have on the health status of the community or the entire population?

Which one health statistic has had the most significant impact on the health care profession in the entire US or your community in the last year? Discuss.

Identify one major local social issue currently being addressed by the local elected officials (major, governor, or town council).

What ramifications does this issue have on the local population?

Does this issue have any legal impact on the community? Why or why not?

For a successful health status of a community, school health is critical to our future. How can we incorporate a program within the school focusing on the safety and well-being of students along with the social needs and health care issues?

If you are asked to develop a school health policy for an elementary school, who would be the stakeholders in this process?

What types of resources will you need to develop a program?

How will the focus of the program target health promotion or wellness?

What considerations should be taken into consideration when developing the program, such as the physical and social environment?

What factors are taken into consideration when developing a program targeting elementary school age children versus adult?

What anticipated or perceived objections would you expect?

As we continue to move in the twenty first century, what elementary school health or safety issues are emerging?

Reference no: EM13891228

Questions Cloud

Discuss the five major approaches to qualitative research : Discuss the five major approaches to qualitative research (case studies, narrative, phenomenology, grounded theory, and ethnography).
Define the marketing term target market : Define the marketing term "target market". Explain how bases for segmentation are defined and give a product example of each: Geographic, Demographic and Psychographic
Discuss primary methods of algorithms and heuristics : Discuss and distinguish between the two primary methods of thinking about problems: algorithms and heuristics. Then suppose that you are going grocery shopping and that you are looking for guava juice.
Describe how health promotion and health prevention : Describe how health promotion and health prevention interventions can be incorporated into parent and child teaching
What anticipated or perceived objections would you expect? : What anticipated or perceived objections would you expect?
Perception of efficiency and discipline inherent : If the Executive Director is at odds with several members of the board over the board members' perception of the efficiency and discipline inherent in the operation of the nonprofit, what can the ED do to address that problem?
Characteristics of a country transportation infrastructure : Why is it important to know about the characteristics of a country's transportation infrastructure? What are freight forwarders? How do they function? What services do they perform
What qualitative factors should cpgi consider : What qualitative factors should CPGI consider when setting a standard for the same model press at other sites across Canada?
What are ways that an online psychology instruction : Can someone help me with explaining the role of community in online education, and also what are at least two ways that an online psychology instructor might design an online course to promote a sense of community within the classroom.


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