Reference no: EM132421167
Assignment: Scenario Part 3: After completing a thorough investigation into the robbery and serving your search warrant, both of your suspects were found guilty at trial. The next step of the Criminal Justice System (the sentencing phase) will begin. Because victim Roberts was shot in the head and killed, the State is seeking the death penalty for Steve Chapman. He has an extensive violent criminal history (convicted felon), and shows no remorse for victim Roberts or his family.
As the lead detective, you have completed your investigation into the robbery and homicide. You have served the search warrant and found all of the evidence that you were looking for. You and your team have collected all of the evidence and interviewed witnesses, the victim, and the suspects.
Because of your hard work in this case, the State's Attorney has asked for your thoughts on the method of punishment for Steve Chapman. Compose a professional quality email to the State's Attorney detailing your thoughts on the following:
Is the death penalty a just sentence for this crime? Explain your answer.
What alternative punishments might be appropriate (if any)?
Does the death penalty deter others from committing similar crimes?
Unit 3 IP Capstone 2-3 pages
Scenario Part 5: Suspect Hopkins is now being sentenced to life in prison for his involvement in the robbery. The State's Attorney has taken into consideration Keith Hopkins' cooperation in the investigation, as well as his remorse for the victims.
In the adversarial system, both sides (prosecution and defense) represent their party's positions before an impartial body who will attempt to determine the truth. The adversarial system also allows both parties to determine the appropriate sentencing once an individual charged with a crime is convicted.
Take the role of either the state's attorney or the defense attorney. Make an argument of whether a life sentence is appropriate (or not) in this scenario.
Assume the role of state's attorney or defense attorney.
Give ample support for your argument from the assumed perspective.
What are some of the other alternatives to a life sentence in prison? Are they appropriate given the violent nature of this crime?
Please submit your assignment.