Reference no: EM133289540
What Air Route Traffic Control Centers cover Michigan?
What is an IFR Preferred route? How do these help IFR traffic? Where are they published?
Define the parts of the "CRAFT" Clearance
Name at least one way a pilot could pick up an IFR clearance at a non-towered airport.
What is the purpose of a departure procedure? How does it differ from an IFR preferred route?
According to the text, (or your own research) briefly discuss the difference between a Vector Departure Procedure and a Pilot-Nav Departure Procedure.
Under what conditions is an Obstacle Departure Procedure (ODP) used at an airport?
Where can a pilot find Standard Instrument Departure procedures (SIDS) and Obstacle Departure Procedures (ODPs)?
How can a pilot determine if they can follow the required climb gradient on an ODP?
What is a clearance void time? Who issues this? What should a pilot do if they are unable to depart before the clearance void time?