What affects you achieving your daily tasks

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM132373194

Assignment Activities

There are 5 parts to this assignment.

Part A Is a Scenario based on your work environment. Read the questions and respond.

Part B is a Scenario that requires you to create a picture-story demonstrating how you schedule, prioritise and monitor tasks using business technology.

Part C is a Scenario that requires answers to questions that relate to managing personal workloads and stress.

Part D is a Project that requires you to identify and plan personal development requirements.

Part E is a Project that requires you to record a meeting with another person, where you will provide and receive feedback.

Use the appropriate software program to develop your documents or files. You must upload your document in the required format. Do not compress the files when uploading them for assessment. They must be uploaded as individual files.

Part A - Scenario - Your work environment


Provide short answers addressing each of the following three areas. You may need to review documentation, and policy and procedures from the organisation you work in, before answering.

A1 - Identify at least three specific areas of legislation that apply to your work role, including quality systems requirements. Detail what the legislation is, and how does it apply to your work.

A2 - Provide a table, like the example below, addressing each area and how it relates to your work role:






Goals to be achieved





Key Performance Indicators





How you set goals





How you measure your

own performance?





How you

measure team performance





How you assess learning and personal development






Business technology used to schedule, prioritise and monitor completion of






Benchmark templates used in order to provided the best service/product to our






A3 - In two to three paragraphs for each part of this question explain:

a) How you assess and prioritise your own work load - provide specific examples

b) How you deal with contingencies that affect your workload - provide specific examples.

c) How do you identify industry standards for Quality of your systems, tools and techniques and how do you report on variations or deviations in quality of service/product in accordance with your workplace procedures?

Part B - Scenario - Use business technology to schedule, prioritise and monitor completion of tasks


In this assignment, you will prepare a picture-story of how you have used business technology to organise schedules, prioritise tasks, and monitor completed tasks.

For this assignment, you will need access to business software that has contact and calendar information. Some examples of these are: This could also include a customised Transport and/or Logistics software that you or your company uses to schedule tasks or lock in calendar information.
• Lotus Notes • Outlook • Other business software programs used for Transport and Logistics businesses.

The software you select for this part of the assignment needs to be used within a business environment. Applications such as Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn, etc. are not suitable.

Part I
You need to establish the following contacts within the business technology:
1. Your team leader
2. At least two other team members.

Use screen capture tools to show how you created these contacts.

Part II
Use screen capture tools to show how you created the following calendar events that relate to tasks you need to complete.

These tasks are:
1. You want to set a meeting with your team leader to review your personal performance. You will need to invite the person, set a time and date, and include notifications before the event. This meeting will last for one hour.
2. Before this meeting you want to have a chat with two other members in the team, to get their feedback. You need to invite each person, with a suggested time, meeting place, etc. The meetings will be fifteen minutes with each person. Once the person has accepted the meeting you need to set reminders and tasks.
3. You need to allocate at least five tasks into an electronic calendar, over a week, setting priorities and reminders where required. These tasks need to directly relate to your own work and must include tasks related to quality improvement and how would you use these systems, tools and techniques.
4. Your team leader has advised that they can't make the meeting and asks that you propose a new meeting time, in the following week. Record how this will be done, including acceptance of the new meeting date and time.

Part III
Use screen capture tools to show how you monitor the tasks established in Part II and record they have been completed.

Part C - Scenario - Personal workloads

Provide three to four paragraphs for each of the following, detailing:

1. What affects you achieving your daily tasks, and what do you do to address these issues? Provide specific examples.

2. How do you monitor the quality of work you produce, ensuring it meets organisational requirements? What do you do if you identify your own work, or the work of others, does not meet organisational requirements? Provide specific examples.

3. Stress can be a common occurrence within the workplace.
a. How do you identify signs of stress that affect you?
b. How do you identify signs of stress in others?
c. What do you do to address this?

Part D - Project - Personal Development


For this part of the assessment you will need to prepare a personal development and learning plan addressing at least five areas of development.

1. Identify at least five areas of your own personal learning and professional development needs.
a. Explain how you determined these needs
b. Who did you talk to?
c. What other sources were used to identify these needs?

2. For each of the development needs you have identified:
a. Prioritise these in order of importance
b. Identify what is required to address these needs
c. Plan how these will be addressed - eg a schedule, or similar
d. How will you document progress?

3. How will you review these needs to ensure they are completed?

4. Once these are completed, how will you identify further learning needs?

Part E - Project - Communication


For this part of the assessment you will need to record a meeting between yourself and another person. This person can be a team leader, or another member of the team. The meeting will last between five and ten minutes.

You will be giving feedback to the other person, and receiving feedback from them, on a topic of your choice which should include details about quality systems at your workplace. This topic could include a recent task, event, performance review, or other work- related matter.

You will need to ensure that you:
• Use specific and appropriate language in conversation
• Use listening and questioning techniques to confirm your own and the other person's
• Ensure organisational policy is followed
• Provide constructive and respectful feedback
• Where required identify means to achieve organisational goals.

Verified Expert

The given report consist of participant assessment based on different scenarios. The assignment consist of five major parts including A,B,C, D and E. Each part consist of specific scenario. The firs part is related to analysis of organizational environment including particular legislation. The second and third part is related to scenario based question. The forth part of the assignment is consist of personal development and learning plan and finally the last part consist of feedback analysis.

Reference no: EM132373194

Questions Cloud

Special interest groups that support campaigns : Discuss if you think policy makers truly represent the citizenry or are they pressured by third party special interest groups that support their campaigns
How the patient factor impact the pathophysiology : Explain how the patient factor you selected might impact the pathophysiology of CVI and DVT. Describe how you would diagnose and prescribe treatment of these.
Rise of china and india on the global stage : What trade theories support the recent rise of China and India on the global stage? How?
Describe the procedures used : Describe the procedures used for each of the following response classes: tantrums, bedtime problems, wearing glasses, throwing glasses and verbal behavior.
What affects you achieving your daily tasks : What affects you achieving your daily tasks, and what do you do to address these issues? Provide specific examples - Explain how you determined these needs
All-powerful god allows suffering and evil in his creation : How would you explain how a good, loving, and all-powerful God allows suffering and evil in his creation?
When do sports marketers use personal selling : When do sports marketers use personal selling? Describe, in detail, the steps in the strategic selling process
How are epidemiologists portrayed in this movie : How are epidemiologists portrayed in this movie? What are some lessons for burgeoning epidemiologists based on the outcome of this movie
Name some marketing techniques and styles : Name some marketing techniques and styles that you have encountered that demonstrate many of the strongpoints we learned in this course.



9/19/2019 11:39:45 PM

Post your query to your fellow participants in the Discussion Forum. Use this forum to post any question about any part of the assessment. Perhaps, you need help answering a question, or sourcing the information. Perhaps, you need some informal feedback on your assessment before you submit it. You can upload your assessment and ask your instructor for a constructive and supportive review. Upload the assessment, but do not submit it. Then send an email to your trainer asking them to review your draft document. Sharing information is the key to success. Remember the only silly question is the one that remains unasked!!!


9/19/2019 11:39:22 PM

All work contained in the assessment must be your own work, and not copied from other sources or been previously submitted for assessment Where any significant portion of submitted work has been copied without proper acknowledgement from other sources, including published works, the internet, existing programs, the work of other students, or work previously submitted for other awards or assessments penalties may be imposed.

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