What affect on peoples interest and enthusiasm

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13203182

Question: What is internal time?

A Machine run time
B Automatic time
C The time when a machine is not running
D All of the above

Question: Management churning (frequent turn-over of management) tends to have what affect on people's interest and enthusiasm for proposed changes?

A No affect; people always vigorously accept top-management mandated change
B They will be secretly praying that top management will move on before they actually have to change anything
C People always tend to ignore top-management mandated change and will covertly and overtly fight proposed changes
D None of the above

Question: The four stages of teaming are

A Forming, Warming, Conforming, Performing
B Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing
C Storming, Warming, Conforming, Performing
D Exploring, Storming, Conforming, Ignoring

Question: From a lean perspective, which of these statements about traditional standard or activity-based costing is not true?

A Std. costing approaches tend to focus the organization on functional efficiency and utilization
B Std. costing tends to hide period profit and loss in inventory accounts, leading to an inaccurate picture of period-to-period profit and loss
C Std. costing allocates overheads to products and services based on hours or units, leading to under-and over-allocations due to specific order conditions
D Std. costing is the most time efficient method of all for gathering and reporting planned and actual costs

Question: The success of a business is dependent upon the three Ps: product, process, and people. Which of the following statements about the three Ps is the most correct?

A The process is dictated by the people who operate it
B If people are capable of producing a quality product, the process is of little importance
C When you start with a bad process, the product suffers and people cannot overcome it
D If people are properly motivated, they can correct problems with the other two Ps

Question: What is a Kaizen event?

A 5 days of strategic organizational planning
B Management effort to reduce labor, cut costs, remove unnecessary equipment and materials, and streamline services to customers
C Exhausting experience that inspires improvement by allowing a cross-functional team to identify problems/issues and implement solutions in the same week
D Comprehensive time study that documents time and motion of both employees and materials

Question: Cellular manufacturing is based on which basic shape?


Question: Each step of a changeover process should be documented, timed, and categorized as

A A, B, C, or D
B P, R, L, or A
C Alpha, Beta, Chi, or Delta
D Value Add or Non-Value Add

Question: Standardized work is most effective when it is

A Flexible and adaptable to suit individual workers
B Developed by equipment manufacturers
C Developed using customer input
D Developed by the people doing the work

Question: Businesses that do not understand Lean thinking typically maintain high levels of inventory. What is the best explanation for this?

A Customer demand requires that inventory be available at all times
B It costs less to store finished goods than it does to improve production processes
C Workers have to stay busy, even if that means overproducing
D Inventory is needed to hide or compensate for underlying problems

Question: The best definition of standardized work is

A the documentation and practice of using the best, safest, and easiest method to do a job
B the practice of doing things the way your customer would like
C doing things the same way every time
D running an operation at the speed needed to satisfy customer demand

Question: Which of the following are typical components of burden that must be absorbed in standard or activity-based costing?

A Direct labor hour fringes, tooling for specific products, selling and general administrative costs
B Material costs and direct vendor charges for specific products and services as well as supervision and management salaries
C Supervision, management salaries, selling and administration costs, depreciation, rent and utilities
D Maintenance costs, depreciation and direct labor costs with fringes and bonuses

Question: The most difficult aspect of a changeover process is

A Preparing
B Powering down
C Transporting
D Adjusting

Question: Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is valuable on its own, but it is also an important component of

A Value Stream Mapping
B Pareto Analysis
C Total Productive Maintenance
D Pull Systems

Question: Which of the following operational measures are used by the Theory of Constraints?

A Cost, Quality, Speed
B Price, Return on Investment, Cycle Time
C Throughput, Inventory and Investment, Operating Expense
D Fixed Costs, Variable Costs, Depreciation

Question: When considering system efficiency vs. individual efficiency, which statement is the most correct?

A System efficiency can be achieved if everyone works harder
B An efficient individual can cause a system to be inefficient
C An efficient individual realizes that he or she is part of a system
D Individual efficiency is more desirable than system efficiency

Question: Steps in a changeover process should be identified as either internal or external based on

A The discretion of the line manager
B The discretion of the most experienced changeover team member
C What is observed and documented during the changeover process
D What is most economical for the business

Question: In this program during the "self assessment continuum," what were the two major red flags discussed?

A Communications and accounting
B Accounting and competitiveness
C Middle management tenure and average employment tenure overall
D Average tenure of employees and layers of management hierarchy

Question: A world-class level of OEE is considered to be

A 100%
B 99%
C 90%
D 85%

Question: The Theory of Constraints can be applied to

A engineering
B production
C manufacturing
D the complete enterprise

Question: Which of the following are reasons why Kaizen events in an office or service environment typically take longer to produce improved results than do similar events in a manufacturing setting?

I. Policies and politics are well-established

II. Metrics used to measure results are difficult to define

III. It is difficult to see what needs fixing

IV. Office processes are rarely islands unto themselves

A I, II, and III
B I, II, and IV
C I, III, and IV
D II, III, and IV

Question: According to the Theory of Constraints, what is the goal of a company?

A Increase sales
B Decrease costs
C Make money
D Increase quality

Question: When performing an initial Kaizen event in an office or service environment, it is vitally important that the event yields positive results and does not fail. To ensure success, you should select a process for improvement that is

A Easy to measure
B Isolated from the core of the business
C High-impact and low-risk
D New and evolving

Question: What are the typical first responses to change that most people undergo as part of the natural "grieving cycle?"

A Resentment - Resistance - Fear
B Fear - Interest - Confusion
C Interest - Confusion - Resistance
D Confusion - Fear - Resistance

Question: Separating internal and external changeover operations can reduce internal setup time by

A 30-50%
B 40-60%
C 50-70%
D 60-80%

Reference no: EM13203182

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