Reference no: EM131074991
Watch the video case study (link below) and discuss the case emphasizing the connections between business, law, politics, and ethics.
• Video Case Study: Employment, Worker Protection, and Immigration Law
1. This week's video clip and the recent litigation over Obama care have lots of parallels. What exactly are the constitutional issues here?
2. Why is the FMLA so controversial? How does the act compare with provisions in other countries?
Watch the video case study (link below) and discuss the case emphasizing the connections between business, law, politics, and ethics.
• Video Case Study: Labor Law and Collective Bargaining
1. Talk about controversy, has there been anything that has generated such continuing turmoil in our country than labor management relations? When and why did unions develop? Why are unions in decline now?
2. What about the recent laws in places like the State of Wisconsin? What aer the pros and cons of such laws? Why have they been proposed? What the real object of them?
Marketing plan for antivirus software company
: To conclude your marketing plan, in Assignment 3, you will describe the company's, marketing strategy, implementation strategy, expansion plan, social media strategy, monitoring methods, and integrated marketing communication strategy.
The joint density function of two random variables
: 1 In a communication network, point A sends a signal to point B, which relays the signal to point C. I here is a probability of 0.2 that there will be an error in the signal from A to B.
Advantageous to the state and foreign workers
: To what extent are Australian labour migration policies advantageous to the state and foreign workers, Particularly the 457 visa which has seen it's issues.
Availability of accurate customer and internal process
: Real-time availability of accurate customer and internal process information to front-line employees Ability to launch new products Ability to create more value for customers
What aer the pros and cons of such laws
: Talk about controversy, has there been anything that has generated such continuing turmoil in our country than labor management relations? When and why did unions develop? Why are unions in decline now?
Find the principal components of the data for exercise 2
: Find the principal components of the data for Exercise 2.
Main challenges of growing a business
: Business is the main activity in the modern societies, what are the main challenges of growing a business?
Paper on the elasticity of a product
: Analyze the issue using the economic concepts and theory learned in class - elasticity on a particular product.
Forecasting-methods class
: What is an important dependent variable that you've worked with in the past (whether it be sales, profits, demand, retention, satisfaction, etc.)?