Reference no: EM132203619
Questions -
The answer to each question below must contain at least 200 words per question. No references or citations are necessary.
Q1. Jane Jordan-Meier has stated that when journalists report on a crisis, they are more likely to side with the victim rather than with big business in their story's approach. Do you agree with this statement? Why, or why not?
Q2. In Stage Three, finger pointing and "I told you so" syndrome can take over. Explain why you believe this happens. Provide a recent example, and describe what the organization or person could have done to avoid the finger pointing from happening.
Q3. Do you agree or disagree that CEOs should be spokespeople in a crisis rather than someone else? Why, or why not? In what situations should they be the spokespeople?
Q4. Compare and contrast the rules of engagement for television, radio, print, and face-to-face interviews. Describe either an example of an organization/spokesperson managing one of these media channels well during a crisis, or give an example where the organization/spokesperson managed the relationship with the media poorly. What were the benefits or consequences in your example?
Q5. Choose a recent crisis, and identify how reporters used hashtags (#) to follow, report, or locate a source for a story. How has the use of blogs, social networking sites, and other types of "new" media impacted the reporting of a crisis? Based on your research, what advice would you give to an organization that is developing and implementing a crisis media plan specifically for social media?
Q6. Reread the article by Diana Marszalek titled "Obstruction of Journalism." Give an after-action review of "two ups and two downs" as to how some police forces are communicating with the media and the public during a crisis. What are two things that were executed well and two things that need improvement?
Q7. Discuss how you can apply the concepts learned in this course to your current or future career. How might the lessons you have learned positively impact your career success?