Reference no: EM132288093 , Length: word count:1200
Question 1:
Briefly explain why it is important to review pre-existing strategic, business and operational plans prior to developing a new business plan?
Question 2:
Identify one of each PEST(EL) framework forces which are currently affecting the Australian Electricity industry.
Question 3:
It has been suggested that milestones should be established to monitor activities, in order to ascertain whether plans are being properly implemented. Identify 3 activities that could be monitored on reaching such checkpoints.
Question 4:
What might be useful non-financial performance measures for:
a) A company selling household goods to consumers online?
b) A hotel?
Question 5:
One of the basic tenets of Total Quality Management (TQM) is 'get it right first time'. Do you think variance reporting would be a help or a hindrance in this respect? Give reasons for your answer.
Question 6:
Suggest ways in which supply chain management can provide the advantages of added value, increased customer satisfaction, increased sales prices and reduction in waste and efficiency.
Question 7:
Cap Co makes high-tech electronic components. Customers place orders online or by phone, and then Cap Co delivers the components to its customers. Cap Co has just carried out a customer account profitability analysis and has identified various customer groups that are less profitable than others. However, Cap Co is reluctant to stop selling to the less profitable customer groups altogether and would prefer to increase their profitability.
How could Cap Co increase the profitability of the less profitable customer groups?
Question 8:
a) Identify 3 communication skills required to transform an underperforming team to a high performance team
b) Identify 2 ways team leaders can develop individual and team goals.
Question 9:
What might be some of the benefits of benchmarking financial ratios with industry competitors? Illustrate your answer with some examples.
Case Study - Frank Swann
Case Study Question 1:
Which legal business structure would be most appropriate for Tactical? Explain your answer.
Case Study Question 2:
If Frank wants to take a salary of $60,000 in the first year of business, how many units of software will he need to sell to break-even? Show your workings.
Case Study Question 3:
If Tactical do manage to meet the forecasts of sales that Frank has made, what will be their margin of safety?
Case Study Question 4:
Use the following assumptions and create a monthly cashflow for the first 3 months of operation:
a) All the set-up costs (software, e-commerce and design) will need to be paid out in July when he starts up.
b) All sales are made with one month's credit offered (i.e. the cash is received one month after the sales are made)
c) Expenses associated with the production of the software (CD, manual and distribution costs) have to be paid in the same month as the sales are made.
d) The marketing budget will be spread over the year and spent monthly
e) Frank's salary will be paid in equal monthly instalments
Case Study Question 5:
Frank would like some help preparing the business plan that the bank have asked for. Using the break-even forecast, the cash flow forecast and other information that you have already produced, create some notes for Frank to include in his proposal to the bank. Additionally, include some notes about the following:
- A estimate of the profit and loss for the first year
- Suitable promotional techniques for selling the software
- Anything significant you feel Frank has omitted from his plan
Case Study Question 6:
What advice would you give Frank about his proposed business plan? Explain your reasoning.
Case Study Question 7:
List 3 stakeholders and describe how Frank could consult with them in regards to his business plan.
Attachment:- Case.rar
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