What advice would a career conscious person give to a friend

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Reference no: EM131264670

Body Art: An Angel on Her Arm at Work (Obj. 6) Nearly 30 percent of American adults now display one or more tattoos, according to a report of the American Academy of Dermatology.70 However, many people still consider body art edgy or rebellious.

Task. Your friend and fellow office worker Avalon proudly shows you an angel tattoo she just got on her upper arm. She wants to know whether you think she may display it at work. What advice would a career-conscious, ambitious person give to a friend?

Reference no: EM131264670

Questions Cloud

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Write a few sentences on your organization : Write a few sentences on your organization and how it attracts and maintains employees. Does the website state how many employees? What does it say about recruiting?
What advice would a career conscious person give to a friend : She wants to know whether you think she may display it at work.  - What advice would a career-conscious, ambitious person give to a friend?
How the theories apply to human performance in organization : Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory (sometimes referred to as two-factor theory). Write a short paper addressing how these theories apply to human performance in an organizational context.
Draft a security policy that addresses the risks : Describe some of the possible risks to the store's security system. Draft a security policy that addresses the risks, identifies security goals, and discusses strategies for achieving those goals
What are gardner''s original seven intelligences : Of the POB constructs that are covered in the chapter, which one do you think has the most potential for impacting employee performance? Why?
Discuss retirement plans for your company : Imagine you are the CEO and the Human Resource Director and CFO are discussing retirement plans for your company of 200+ employees with 20 Highly Compensated Employees.


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