What additional recommendations add to what was accomplished

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131558097

Assignment: Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management is the integration of activities that procure materials and services, transform them into intermediate goods and final products, and deliver them to customers. The production, distribution, and sale of both goods and services are bound by constraints in demand, supply, capacity, capability, and a myriad of other parameters.

In this assignment, consider the strategic implications of how an organization produces and interacts with its partners, customers, and suppliers.

Using the module readings, Based on your research, complete the following:

• Describe the overall goal of a supply chain.

• Describe the difference between a supply that is responsive (service) and a supply chain that is efficient. Can a supply chain be both?

• How can an organization optimize supply chain management to improve results and remove obstacles? Support your answer with two current examples.

• Based on your learning from your research, what additional recommendations might add to what was accomplished?

Write a 3 pages paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Reference no: EM131558097

Questions Cloud

Analyze academic literature to determine a research topic : Critically analyze academic literature to determine a research topic. Differentiate between basic forms of research design.
How will information on finding a content expert influence : How will the information on finding a content expert (see "Finding a Content Expert" in topic materilas) influence your research plans?
Factors affecting economic growth : It is highly recommended that you review the Seminar presentation located in the Seminar area before beginning the Discussion.
Determine the probability that the property will be sold : Susan Garcia wishes to sell or lease a condominium through a realty company. The realtor estimates that the probability of finding a buyer within a month.
What additional recommendations add to what was accomplished : Assignment: Supply Chain Management- Based on your learning from your research, what additional recommendations might add to what was accomplished?
Determine the given experiment has a sample space : Determine whether the given experiment has a sample space with equally likely outcomes. A ball is selected at random from an urn containing six black balls.
Organization executive committee : Create a 18 college level-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation to present to the organization's Executive Committee. On the company Apple
Conduct an internet search to find and read recent article : Select a key term from assigned chapters. Conduct an Internet search to find and read 3 recent articles that relate to the term.
Find the sum of the numbers appearing uppermost on die : Determine whether the given experiment has a sample space with equally likely outcomes.


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