What additional information should you share with client

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Reference no: EM133325055

You have been working as a social worker for a long time with a young man who needs a wide range of supports to settle. Due to previous trauma, it has taken a long time for this person to trust you - but you have managed to build rapport with them. One day they come to you and ask you to help them finish their Basis of Claim form for their Refugee Claim. They have not been able to get a lawyer, and ask you to keep this confidential, because they are afraid of their story getting out. They even ask you not to talk to your co-workers or supervisors, because they feel their story will get back to the people who are persecuting them. They assure you that they just need some help with some of the questions on the form, and nothing bad will happen.

1. How would you respond to the client in this situation?

2. What additional information should you share with this client? Should you seek additional supervision/consultation? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM133325055

Questions Cloud

Accountability data demonstrates that program is effective : Does school currently have written procedures or policies to prevent bullying and violence? What accountability data demonstrates that program is effective?
Why is propinquity associated with attraction : Why is propinquity associated with attraction? Describe the methods, results, and take-home message of Zajonc's (1968) study on mere exposure.
Analysis of organizational theory : Describe the main idea of the theory and its strengths and limitations as applied to social work organizations.
Ostracism and the physical-attractiveness stereotype : Define the words. Ostracism, Equity, Proximity, The matching phenomenon, The physical-attractiveness stereotype.
What additional information should you share with client : What additional information should you share with this client? Should you seek additional supervision/consultation? Why or why not?
Training exposure to torture techniques : Their soldiers may one day be captured by the enemy, some modern armies include in their basic training exposure to torture techniques.
Postmodernist lens compares to logical positivist lens : Explain how your approach to studying this topic from a postmodernist lens compares to a logical positivist lens.
Discuss aspects of your multiple identities : Discuss aspects of your multiple identities and where and how your multiple identities come together and intersect.
Multiple evidence-based tools : Explain the importance of using multiple evidence-based tools (including quantitative, open-ended, and ecologically focused) to assess Claudia.


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