What actors within the community, local, provincial

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Reference no: EM133388567

Case Study: You are required to make one original and one response post (please review the grading rubric). make clear connections to our course material. While it is okay to incorporate your on opinions, posts that contain only personal opinions or stories will not receive full marks. You are required to make at least one response post. Students are encouraged to integrate (and cite) class materials, readings and outside sources (e.g., an article from the library). Your response posts should be roughly words in length and should critically engage with the ideas of your classmates. Response posts can add new ideas or provide thoughtful and respectful critiques. Like your original post, your response posts need to be based on course material and/our outside research and not opinion. Late submissions are to be sent directly to your professor. A 10% late penalty per day will be applied. You will only receive a grade for your original post . Watch the following film and read the MacLean's article It's time to hit the reset button on Canada's MMIWG inquiry.

Questions: Answer the following questions: Based on the central themes discussed in the film and the perspectives offered in the MacLean's article, what factors have contributed to so many Indigenous women and girls going missing in Canada? To what extent if any, does colonialism and the long lasting effects of the residential school system shape the experiences of Indigenous women and girls in the present day. Drawing on theoretical material discussed in Module 4, what would a conflict and feminist theorist say about Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls? Make sure to cite specific perspectives. According to Sheila North Wilson (the author of the MacLean's article) the Nation Inquiry into MMIWG has been unsuccessful. Why does North Wilson believe the Inquiry has been unsuccessful and what solutions are suggested in the MacLean's article? How should we as a country addresses/respond to the issue of violence against Indigenous women and girls in Canada. What actors within the community, local, provincial and federal government would be involved?

Reference no: EM133388567

Questions Cloud

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