Reference no: EM133207703 , Length: 2 Pages
For each of these answers (especially Section 2), you will cite the original work, in APA format, double spacing is required and utilizing in-line citations (Heilbroner, 1996, pg. 25) with works cited at the end of the exam (not each question). You may use additional resources than those provided by me, but they must be a journal article, or original source material, published, not just a blog post from a guy in his mom's basement.
Section 1
Write a brief essay for each of the following questions.
1. To what uses was the surplus of society put in feudal society? In the United States? In North Korea? What can we say about how each of these societies utilizes their surplus and the structure of these societies?
2. Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas were suspicious of economic activity due to its "unbounded" nature. What does this mean? As we move toward a market society from a pre-market period, what sort of philosophical changes were required?
3. What activities of the merchant are so disruptive of feudal life? Are there examples of business activities today that are also the causes of social stress?
4. The process of monetization and commercialization was often a violent one in Europe. Do you think the Civil War, which ended slavery and displaced the southern semi-feudal plantation system, could be considered part of the same transformation in America? If not, how are they different? If so, how does this change the way you conceptualize the Civil War?
Section 2
Directions: Read the assigned sections of the Teachings from the Worldly Philosophers text.
1. Read: John Stuart Mill's Examination of Communisim and Communism vs. Present State of Societyand Crucial Role of Liberty
a. What are the potential problems with Communism, according to Mill?
b. What important point does Mill make about the comparison itself?
c. What problems are present in the market system, outlined by Mill?
d. How does a market society function well, according to Mill?
e. In the end, where does Mill stand on this debate?
2. Read: Of the Stationary State
a. What is Mill arguing in this section regarding the progress of the market system?
b. How does this compare with Adam Smith?
c. What is notable regarding the Stationary State? What does he note about "human improvement"?
Final Question: Read Smith's Wealth of Nations, Book I, Chapter X.
3. How does Smith explain the inequalities between labor and profits? Does he see this uneven distribution as harmonious?