Reference no: EM131835962
Question: Project name: Netflix in 2011
Section 1 - Identification / Development of Alternatives - at least 3. Your alternatives should be derived from your opportunities outlined in your SWOT. In many of the cases, various scenarios may even be given to you. Strategic alternatives should identify basic directions the firm might choose to go with. (worth 15 points)
• What actions are available to the decision maker to solve the problem?
• What are the costs and benefits of each solution both in real and perceived terms?
• Is there a disparity between what the decision makers want to do, should do, can do, and must do? If so, what is causing the disparity and can it be overcome?
Section 2 - Evaluation of Alternatives & Recommendations - Evaluate each alternative in terms of the pros and cons of the alternative and pick what the team feels is the best choice based on the company's strengths and opportunities. This is meant to be a THOROUGH evaluation of section 1. Utilize the materials and facts given in the case as support for each off your alternatives for solving the problem identified. Discuss in terms of the possible costs and benefits of the alternatives to the decision maker. (worth 15 points)
Section 3 - Recommended Solution & Implementation ow would you implement your recommendation. Implementation includes actions to be taken, as well as responsible parties, sequencing of marketing activities, and a time frame for their completion. A time line can be a very useful tool in directing the implementation discussion.