Reference no: EM131275983
The Hobbit's Choice Restaurant Survey Differences Analysis
Cory Rogers of CMG Research calls a meeting with Jeff Dean, who plans to open an upscale restaurant called Hobbit's Choice, and marketing intern Christine Yu sits in. At the beginning of the meeting, Cory's wife calls with news that their 5-year-old son is having a stomach ache at school, and Cory has to pick him up and take him to the doctor. Cory excuses himself, saying, "I am sorry about this, but these things happen when you are a dual-career household. Christine, sit with Jeff for a bit and find out what questions he has about the survey findings.
Then take a shot at the analysis, and we'll meet about it tomorrow afternoon. I am sure that Cory Junior will be over his stomach ailment by then." After meeting for about 20 minutes, Christine has a list of six questions from Jeff Dean. Her notes are below. Your task is to take Christine's role, using The Hobbit's Choice Restaurant survey SPSS dataset, (available at the Companion Website at perform the proper analysis, and interpret the findings for each of the following questions.
1. Jeff wonders if The Hobbit's Choice Restaurant is more appealing to women than it is to men or vice versa. Perform the proper analysis, interpret it, and answer Jeff's question.
2. With respect to the location of The Hobbit's Choice Restaurant, is a waterfront view preferred more than a drive of less than 30 minutes?
3. With respect to the restaurant's atmosphere, is a string quartet preferred over a jazz combo?
4. What about unusual entrees versus unusual desserts?
5. In general, upscale establishments are appealing to higher income households, while they are less appealing to lower income households. Is this pattern the case for The Hobbit's Choice Restaurant?
6. Jeff and Cory speculated that the different geographic areas they identified by zip codes would have different reactions to the prospect of patronizing a new upscale restaurant. Are these anticipated differences substantiated by the survey? Perform the proper analysis and interpret your findings.