What about the nature of our own individual identities

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133618213


1. Referring to what we learned about the nature of our own individual identities, write about what is meant by the "social construction of identity as it relates to gender and sexualityIto religion to socio-economic status to race.

2. How do you see your own identity within the constructs of power, privilege and equity status? Describe intersectionality and comment on how you or someone you know experiences at least one other non-dominant status that interconnects with another, such as race or religion. Why does Sociology say that understanding intersectionality is important in these critical times?

Reference no: EM133618213

Questions Cloud

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What about the nature of our own individual identities : Write about what is meant by the "social construction of identity as it relates to gender and sexualityIto religion to socio-economic status to race.
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What are your views on the pharmaceutical industry : What are your views on the pharmaceutical industry? Do you feel this industry should be more regulated? Why or why not?


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