What a healthcare organization should be focused on

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Reference no: EM133395305

Question: Post a thoughtful response to a colleagues' initial postings. Responses to colleagues should be supportive and helpful (examples of an acceptable comment are: "This is interesting - in my practice, we treated or resolved (diagnosis or issue) with (x, y, z meds, theory, management principle) and according to the literature..." and add supportive reference. Avoid comments such as "I agree" or "good comment."

Minimum of one (1) total reference: one (1) from peer-reviewed or course materials reference per response Please reference your response with your response with no later than 5 years and link to doi article

In this post I will discuss business principles needed to provide safe, quality, fiscally sound, and patient-centered care. As a business owner of an institution that provides healthcare it is important to have a very defined population that is served. Focusing on a specific or narrow range of healthcare problems that you can aid in is much more sustainable than trying to appeal to everyone (Fisher, 2008). Even the largest healthcare institutions such as The Ohio State University and OhioHealth divide their organizations into different areas of focus and still work with other institutions that do things they simply cannot provide for logistical or fiscal reasons. Another principle that is important to a business owner is to incentivise employees' success with the company's success (Fisher, 2008). With healthcare it would be hard to be ethical with monetary incentives, but allowing healthcare workers to have a say in the care they provide and give them the tools to innovate and better serve their patients. The final principle would be to showcase integrity to the community we serve in and live in (Fisher, 2008). Nurses are consistently one of the most trusted professions and any institution that employs them is going to garner a positive reputation because of it. In order to maintain that trust with patients and the community as a whole the nurses as well as the other healthcare staff are going

I currently work for OhioHealth and do feel that they do a good job of utilizing the three principles that I touched on. They have many hospitals, free standing emergency departments, urgent cares, doctors offices, rehabilitation centers, and laboratory services just to name some of their different areas of operations and all focus on a defined patient population even though they are part of the company as a whole. OhioHealth also does a good job of allowing healthcare professionals to have a say in how the company operates. A great example of this is a former nursing clinical instructor of mine is part of a maternity health group that goes into underserved areas of Columbus and provides screenings, education, prenatal vitamins, and helps to set up patients with a primary care physician as well as OBGYN. This group was started by doctors and nurses who saw a patient population in need and got the funding and resources from OhioHealth. Oftentimes they operate out of a large bus that was converted into a mobile clinic so that they can literally go into these underserved communities and meet the patients where they live. Many families have benefitted from this service and from a business perspective it is also great as it helps prevent complicated diagnosis going untreated. These high risk pregnancies can often become emergency admissions into our hospitals so their prevention saves money and more importantly saves lives. When I discussed this with my then preceptor she informed me that the program at that time operated at a net loss, but OhioHealth being a not for profit corporation deemed it worth the investment in our community from a fiscal standpoint. Hopefully as the United States moves from a fee for service to a value based payment system outreach clinics like this will become more common (Mason et al., 2021). This helps to tie into the final principle that I discussed, integrity. I admit I am biased, but I feel that OhioHealth is a very respected organization. Our patients often tell me that they feel they are in good hands. It is not perfect, but it does allow providers and other healthcare workers to do what is needed for the betterment of the patient which at the end of the day is what a healthcare organization should be focused on.

In conclusion as a business owner I would want to have a clear and defined group of people I served, with a group of incentivized and motivated employees, that displayed integrity in everything they do. As a patient and family member of patients I would expect no less and we owe that to those we care for as well.

Reference no: EM133395305

Questions Cloud

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Describe a nurse-led innovation that improved the value : Describe a nurse-led innovation that improved the value of health care. Explain the innovation, outcomes, and key elements of this successful model.
What a healthcare organization should be focused on : displayed integrity in everything they do. As a patient and family member of patients I would expect no less and we owe that to those we care
Where should the medical assistant stand : Summazie what you learned in the video by answering the following questions: What assessments need to be made? When should you ask for help? List the steps
What surprised you and what did you expect : During the procedure notice nursing roles and responsibilities. What surprised you? What did you expect? Were there any areas you noticed care could have been
Describe comprehensively how and why phenomenological : Describe comprehensively how and why phenomenological research and ethnographic research can used to understand human behavior.
Describe the concept of the interview of the older adult : Describe the concept of the interview of the older adult interview that was the focus of the nursing problem today


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