Were the reactions from media consumer varied in other parts

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM133489657

Problem: Media Influence on the Apple Application Tracking Transparency Critical Analysis

For this part of the project, you're going to continue using the same topic/event that was used in Capstone Part #1 and do a compare-and-contrast case study. It will require you to view your topic from three different angles: locally, nationally, and globally. Your case study should be written in APA style, have 800 words, and compare and contrast your topic with how it was portrayed from a local, national, and global standpoint. For this assignment, the local news is where the event took place. For example, the local news coverage for the Columbine school shooting that occurred in 1999 will be Columbine, CO. National news for the event can be any other news coverage that covered the event in the USA including Miami, and the global news will be any country outside of the USA regardless of the native language of the country that covered the event, including Canada, UK, Spain, etc.

Question 1. Was there a difference with media coverage about your topic in other parts of the world?
Question 2. Were the reactions from media consumers varied in other parts of the world?
Question 3. Did different movements happen in other parts of the world based on the topic/event?
Question 4. What were the similarities?
Question 5. What were the differences?

Reference no: EM133489657

Questions Cloud

Who is the lesson and messaging missing : Locate a substance abuse prevention lesson, workshop, or presentation. Many students find this from an online search
How did their experiences of past events alter or affect : explain the historical context in which we see these three groups (those in Western Europe, the Islamic lands, and China) reacting to the world around them
Explain what the next steps are in the process of accepting : Explain what the next steps are in the process of accepting and pursuing funding of a grant.
How teachers foster a supportive learning environment : How teachers foster a supportive learning environment and accommodate each stuudent's unique needs?
Were the reactions from media consumer varied in other parts : Were the reactions from media consumers varied in other parts of the world? Did different movements happen in other parts of the world based on the topic/event?
Compare dunkin and starbucks : Compare Dunkin and Starbucks: their service, price, food quality, background information, and personal experience, would you recommend these cafes
How would a child that may be experiencing type of dilemma : As a school counselor, how would you address a child that may be experiencing this type of dilemma?
What is the proper asl sentence structure for rondo : What is the proper ASL sentence structure for Rondo and Marisa have been married for two years?
How and why does socrates introduce : How and why does Socrates introduce it in his exchange with Euthyphro? In what way does it propel their conversation?


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