Were the alcoholic beverages spyke bad products

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131650194


Overview: Research the material regarding the history and regulation of alcohol advertising. Also read and click on the article link below, Diageo; Study Finds Self-Regulation of Alcohol Advertising Is Working, and watch this link to the Milton Freidman interview: Milton Friedman-Regulation in a Free Society.

In your paper, answer the following questions:

A) Were the alcoholic beverages Spyke and Wide-Eye bad products? Justify your answer.

B) Do you think these products were marketed in objectionable or misleading ways? Explain your answer.

C) If you were in charge of marketing Spyke and Wide-Eye, what approach would you have taken to promote the products, while mitigating the adverse publicity associated with them?

D) Do you believe there is a need for government to place more restrictions on alcohol advertising? Why or why not? If so, what limits are needed and how would any restrictions that you propose meet the Central Hudson guidelines?
Paper Requirements:

12-font, Times-New Roman, One-inch margin, 1 to 2 page short paper with scholarly references, APA style.

Reference no: EM131650194

Questions Cloud

Company take to insure customer service : What actions did the company take (or not take) to insure customer service?
Describe the error that is committed in the fallacy : Describe the error that is committed in the fallacy. In other words, what's wrong with argument? Identify strategy that will help you in avoiding this fallacy.
Write a confidence interval for the mean daily income : Write a 90% confidence interval for the mean daily income this parking garage will generate. Interpret this confidence interval in context.
Define sexually transmitted diseases affect such a stance : Prostitution and solicitation are referred to as victimless crimes. How does the threat of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases affect such a stance
Were the alcoholic beverages spyke bad products : Were the alcoholic beverages Spyke and Wide-Eye bad products? what approach would you have taken to promote the products.
Economic structure and flow of commercial radio : Explain the economic structure and flow of commercial radio, including ownership trends and the major sources of revenue and expense in the industry.
Explain and evaluate their crimes and subsequent punishment : When you evaluate their crimes and subsequent punishment on the whole do you think their punishment was just
Discuss case for budget planning purposes : Parking II. Suppose that, for budget planning purposes, the city in Exercise needs a better estimate of the mean daily income from parking fees.
What should be done in order to disrupt damaging pattern : What steps would you take in order to avoid such situation if you were an advisor to the US government?


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