Well-researched comprehensive and coherent business plan

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13982586


Use the sample business plans to aligns with your product or service. Use the business plan you select as a template for your own business plan. Assemble a well-researched comprehensive, coherent business plan drawing from the research, information, and detailed plans you completed in prior MBA courses or in this course.

Use the business plan you selected as a guideline to help you create a complete and organized plan. Use your own creativity to add additional headings or subheadings as needed if your business idea calls for modified data, information, or sections.

The written plan should be comprehensive and complete, but well-organized so that a reader can move through it quickly.

Appendices may contain charts, tables, graphs, articles, research reports, etc. You must support your statements with facts from your research without overwhelming the reader with unnecessary or undigested data. Don't simply dump huge reports on the reader, but assimilate them yourself and provide the relevant summary information.


follow the business plan below as a guideline.

Executive Summary



Company ownership
Company products
Company locations and facilities
Products and Services
Product and service description
Important features and comparison
Sales literature
Market Analysis
Industry analysis
Keys to success
Business Strategy and Implementation
Marketing strategy
Target markets and market segments
Marketing programs
Sales strategy
Strategic alliances
Management Summary
Management team
Other management team considerations
Financial Analysis
Financial plan

Attachment:- example major project.rar

Verified Expert

The assignment is a business plan of 2000 words on Food retail business focusing on nutritional juices with 100 percent fresh claim. The business plan consists of an executive summary followed by other sections of the assignment as outlined in the requirements. Some graphs and tables have been used as necessary and APA style referencing has been done.

Reference no: EM13982586

Questions Cloud

How could akamai have prevented or mitigated the attacks : How could Akamai have prevented or mitigated the attacks described in the case study using Clausewitz's principles of warfare? What technologies could Akamai leverage?
What is the length of one side of a square sound collector : Assuming that this conversion is 100% efficient, what is the length of one side of a square sound collector that is needed to provide thermal energy at a rate of 480W ?
How far apart in space are the regions of maximum intensity : A source emits sound of wavelengths 2.55m and 2.80m in air. How many beats per second will be heard? (Assume T=20oC.) How far apart in space are the regions of maximum intensity?
Explain and define the ram and rom : Explain and define the following components: Hard drive, RAM, ROM, CMOS and Video card
Well-researched comprehensive and coherent business plan : Assemble a well-researched comprehensive, coherent business plan drawing from the research, information, and detailed plans you completed in prior MBA courses or in this course.
What is the source power output : A source of light, spreading out radially froma point source produces a sinusoidal electric field of amplitude of 6.88 V/m at a radial distance of 42.0m from the source. We want to determine the power output form the source. Write an equation rela..
What is the source power output : A source of light, spreading out radially froma point source produces a sinusoidal electric field of amplitude of 6.88 V/m at a radial distance of 42.0m from the source. We want to determine the power output form the source. Write an equation rela..
Explain the ethical or unethical behavior : Do you believe that American society as a whole is predisposed to ethical or unethical behavior? Explain your response.
Which direction is the magnetic force on the electron : What is the magnitude of the magnetic force on the electron (In N), and which direction is the magnetic force on the electron as it enters the region in which there is a magnetic field?


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