Well-deserved compensation for your contributions

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133331237

Scenario 1.

You've just done a great job on a recent project at your company. Your boss has been very vocal about acknowledging your work and the increased revenue that resulted from it. Privately, she said that you' clearly earned a bonus of at least 10%, but due to company politics, she was unable to secure the bonus for you. She also implied that if you were to submit inflated expense reports for the next few months, she would look the other way, and you could pocket the extra cash as well-deserved compensation for your contributions. What should you do? Why?

Scenario 2.

One of the engineers on your staff has an excellent job offer from another company and asks your advice on whether or not to accept the position. You need him to complete a project that is crucial to your company (and to your own career). You have also been told - in the strictest confidence by senior management - that when this project is complete, the company will be outsourcing the engineering function, which means that all internal engineers will be laid off. What are your options in advising this staff member? What are the implications of each option? What is the best choice? Why?

Reference no: EM133331237

Questions Cloud

Health and safety obligations : Explain how would you manage the risk of a business not meeting its work health and safety obligations?
Think about challenges businesses and management : Think about the challenges businesses, management, and employees faced during the COVID-19 pandemic
State single prominent external environmental factor : State a single prominent external environmental factor (one factor only) that is putting pressure on the internal operations of Mental Illness Fellowship WA
Tourism industry is significant contributor to climate : The tourism industry is a significant contributor to climate change because it emits a large amount of greenhouse gases
Well-deserved compensation for your contributions : You could pocket the extra cash as well-deserved compensation for your contributions. What should you do? Why?
Beyond blue mental health organisations : One prominent external environmental factor that is putting pressure on the internal operations of Beyond Blue mental health organisations
Differences between intentional torts and negligence : What is the main difference between tort law and criminal law? What are the differences between intentional torts and negligence?
Discuss marketing in cruise industry : Discuss marketing in the cruise industry and summarize who the key players are in the Mid-Sized cruise industry.
Affirmative action is backed by many legislative acts : Affirmative action is backed by many legislative acts, to include the civil rights act. Affirmative action requires, no matter school, work or other area


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