Weight loss products

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Reference no: EM132326721

Discussion - Weight Loss Products

Select a weight loss program or product. It can be either over-the-counter or prescription. Research this product and describe your results as your response to this discussion. In your response, include the following information in a numbered list:

1. The name of the product.

2. What is the cost of the product?

3. Is there a brochure, pamphlet, or any written instructions with the product?

4. What is the recommended intake or dosage? Is there a 'prescribed course' for taking this product?

5. List the first 4 ingredients and the amounts shown on the product label.

6. What is the product "claim" or "promise?" How does it work?

7. What precautions, contraindications, or warnings are stated on the product?

8. List the exercise guidelines/recommendations that are presented with the product.

9. List the nutrition guidelines/recommendations that are presented with the product.

10. Do you know anyone who took this product? What was their experience?

11. Is there anything unusual about this product?

12. Would you recommend this product/program? Why or why not?

Please write your post in the numbered format as above (and include the questions). Copy the questions and answer them in complete sentences.

In a discussion on such a topic, it is absolutely critical to show your sources of information. Make sure to properly format your discussion post with respect to in-text citations and the reference list. Use only open-access sources (avoid citing books other than your textbook and DO NOT USE articles that require special access).

A few suggestions:

• Read Chapter 15 in your textbook first. attached

• In your answer to #2, make sure you find the cost per dosage (or/and the course).

• Do some research and describe how this product is expected to work. What is the active ingredient? (In case the first 4 are fillers.) You may need other resources than the manufacturer/seller website.

• In your answer to #7, give a summary. Do not simply copy all the text from the package insert.

• Be specific in your answer to #10. If you don't know anybody, you may want to look at user reviews for some ideas - but be sure to exercise critical thinking.

• Make sure to do some research (in addition to your own thinking) before answering #11 and #12. Look online for reported adverse effects.

Your Responses:

• Make an ORIGINAL POST using the Guidelines below. You have to provide a reference to the sources of information you used.
Citations: In Discussions, we use the citation style widely accepted in scientific publications. It means that

• you number your sources in the order of their appearance in your post,

• use the source's number for in-text citation - either as superscript or in parentheses,

• arrange your reference list (at the end of your post) in numerical order. Indicate the author(s) - if available, the source (the organization supporting the website), the title (if available) and the URL of the exact page where the information was found.

• THESE ARE THE W Questions to ASK:

• Who runs and pays for the Web site?

• What's the source of the information?

• How do you know if the information is accurate?

• Is the information reviewed by experts?

• How current is the information?

• What's the site's policy about linking to other sites?

• How does the site collect and handle personal information? Is the site secure?

• Can you communicate with the owner of the Web site?

• Is it safe to link to Twitter or Facebook through a Web site?

Discussion Board Rubric -3 It should be 200 to 500 words in length total

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Initial response to the discussion board topic is well thought-out, relevant, logical, and reflects original thought and critical thinking. Supports position with evidence as needed. Meets minimum length requirements.

This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 1st response to another student's post is relevant, on-topic, and adds to the discussion. Meets minimum length requirements.

This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 2nd response to another student's post is relevant, on-topic, and adds to the discussion. Meets minimum length requirements.

This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Uses appropriate English grammar, sentence structure, with no errors in spelling, punctuation, and/or capitalization. Uses clear paragraph structure.

This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion.

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Uses reliable sources as support for arguments. Provides reference to the sources of information. Properly formats in-text citations and the reference list.

This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion.

Attachment:- Weight Management.rar

Reference no: EM132326721

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