Website with responsive page layout

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM132316603

Assignment - Website with responsive page layout


You are required to design and build a website comprised of between 3 and 5 pages that provides information about a specific neighbourhood or suburb for new residents and visitors. The website must be implemented using HTML5, CSS and the Bootstrap front-end web framework. Each page in the website must have a responsive layout that automatically adapts its appearance to provide an optimal viewing experience on the device on which it is being viewed.

Purpose and target audience
The purpose of the website is to provide information about a specific neighbourhood or suburb that will be of interest to new residents and visitors. The chosen neighbourhood or suburb must be a real place, not a fictitious one. The target audience for the website includes individuals and families who are planning to move to your chosen neighbourhood or suburb to live. Consider building a website about your own neighbourhood or suburb to make the process of gathering content more convenient.


The content of the website should address topics that will be of interest to the target audience. Examples include climate, housing, employment, schools, hospitals, shops, transport, entertainment, sporting activities, recreation areas, and places of interest. Note that these are suggestions only. The content of the website should be genuine and accurate. Do not include fictitious information.

The website should consist of between 3 and 5 pages. No word-limits apply to the information presented in your site, but try to ensure that the amount of content on each page is appropriate i.e. not too little and not too much.

The design of your website should reflect the character of your chosen neighbourhood or suburb. For example, a website about an inner-city apartment block might have an urban theme. A website about a coastal seaside community might have a beach theme. A website about a family-oriented suburb might have a family theme. A website about a rural farming community might have an agricultural theme. These are suggestions only. Think about the distinguishing characteristics of your chosen neighbourhood or suburb. Choose images, fonts, colours, lines, shapes, textures and other design elements that suit this theme.

Responsive page layout required
Each page in the website must have a responsive layout that automatically adapts its appearance to provide an optimal viewing experience on the device on which it is being viewed. The site must be built with the Bootstrap front-end web framework. You may not use other front-end web frameworks

such as Foundation in your solution. You may not use Bootstrap templates in your solution because the website should demonstrate your own mastery of HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.

Original content required
No content (text, photographs, illustrations, etc) will be supplied to you for this assignment. You must produce your own content for the website, using the design brief as a guide. This may involve activities such as conducting research, writing text, taking photographs, or editing images.

You must own the copyright in any images (photographs, illustrations, animations, etc) that you use in your website. In others words, you are restricted to using images that you have created yourself from scratch. You may not use clip-art or royalty-free images. You may not download someone else's image from the Web. You may not scan someone else's image from a printed publication. You may not capture a screenshot from software that someone else has created. You may not take someone else's image and alter it to create a new image.

The text in your website should be suitable for the intended purpose and target audience. You must own the copyright in the text that you use in your website. In other words, you are required to write the text yourself. If you need to quote, paraphrase or summarise the words of another author for some reason (e.g. to substantiate your statements), references must be provided in small type at the foot of the web page. The prescribed referencing system for this unit is the Harvard system, which is also known as the author-date system or the name-year system.

Technical constraints
The following technical constraints apply to this assignment.
- You are encouraged to build your website with Dreamweaver, but almost any plain text editor, HTML editor or web authoring software may be used.
- You are encouraged to create your images with Photoshop, but almost any image-editing software may be used.
- Your website should display correctly in the latest versions of Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome on a PC and a smartphone.
- Your website must be constructed with HTML5, CSS and Bootstrap, not other technologies.
-Your website must use a linked external CSS file to control the appearance of the text, and it must use Bootstrap to control the layout of the pages and the navigation menu.
- Your website must not be built from a template such as a Dreamweaver template. It is acceptable to study existing web pages, templates and other sources for ideas, but the code and content in your assignment solution must be your own. As a general guide, you should be able to explain the workings of any HTML or CSS code that appears in your website. If you don't know what an HTML tag or CSS property does, then you shouldn't use it in your solution.
- Your website must not contain any audio clips, video clips or other elements that require browser plug-ins.
- You are not required to upload your website to a web server. Your website must not contain any server-side scripts such as CGI, PHP, ASP or ColdFusion code. It should be possible for the marker to view your website from the submitted files without connecting to the Internet.
- The files that make up your website must come to a total of no more than 8 MB, and may be considerably smaller. If your files exceed that limit, you should reduce the size of your image files. Use your image-editing software to reduce the bit depth or dimensions of your images while preserving image quality.
- Bootstrap files should be included in your website. The website should not rely on external files. It should be possible for the marker to view your website from the submitted files without connecting to the Internet.

Presentation and submission
This assignment must be submitted electronically through the unit website as a single zip file named containing the directory of files (HTML files, CSS files and image files) that make up your website. Instructions for submitting assignments electronically are available on the unit website.

Before you submit your solution, copy the website from your development computer to another computer to test it. If you have inadvertently used absolute URLs instead of relative URLs in your code, or if you have used fonts that are not widely available, these problems will quickly become apparent. Also check the assessment criteria to ensure that you have covered everything that is required.

*Note: Need to create 3-5 webpages using HTML, CSS, and bootstrap. Please follow the PDF and marking criteria and use the Suburb: Nundah

Attachment:- Web Design.rar

Verified Expert

In this assignment, we have designed a website using HTML, CSS and Bootstrap framework. This website is user-friendly and can check all the details easily.

Reference no: EM132316603

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6/5/2019 1:32:15 AM

I need to complete this one, need to create 3-5 webpages using HTML, CSS, and bootstrap. Please follow the PDF and marking criteria. Please Use the Suburb Name : Nundah If you need to search about this. Search Nundah 4012, QLD Australia Attach 2-3 images per page. Add relative image only.


6/5/2019 12:51:55 AM

Navigation system and site structure • organises the content in an intuitive manner • has a structure that is apparent and easy to visualise • has a navigation system that is easy to use • has navigation controls that are consistent in appearance and operation • offers navigation alternatives • has a link to the home page on every interior page • has an appropriate number of links, all of which function correctly • has concise, understandable link labels that match headings on destination pages • has a descriptive title, logo or signature graphic near the top of each page • has appropriate page titles within the title tags • has appropriate page headings • uses components from the Bootstrap front-end web framework 8 Total 40


6/5/2019 12:51:35 AM

Page layout • enhances communication of the site’s key message • supports the site’s objectives • is appropriate for the target audience • works within different screen sizes • uses design principles such as balance, contrast, unity, proximity, alignment and repetition appropriately • balances text and images • has adequate margins • has a consistent look and feel • uses Cascading Style Sheets correctly • uses a responsive layout created with the Bootstrap front-end web framework 8


6/5/2019 12:51:27 AM

Graphics • enhance communication of the site’s key message • support the site’s objectives • are appropriate for the target audience • display creativity and originality • have a consistent and appropriate colour scheme • use design elements such as line, shape, value, colour and texture appropriately • are high quality with no unwanted halos, dithering, distortion or jagged edges • aid fast downloads with small file sizes • use appropriate file formats for photographs and line art and lettering • have no missing image files • have valid href and alt attributes in img tags 8


6/5/2019 12:51:04 AM

Type • enhances communication of the site’s key message • supports the site’s objectives • is appropriate for the target audience • uses appropriate choices of typeface, size, weight, colour and texture • avoids jagged edges with anti-aliasing • can be read easily • uses font combinations with sufficient contrast • limits the number of fonts in use • is appropriately aligned • uses emphasis techniques such as boldface, italics and capitalisation sparingly • uses Cascading Style Sheets correctly 8


6/5/2019 12:50:56 AM

Assessment criteria The assessment criteria for this assignment are presented in the following table. Penalties will be applied for late submission and for failing to comply with the assignment’s requirements. Criteria Marks Content • communicates the site’s key message • supports the site’s objectives • is appropriate for the target audience • is informative, accurate, up-to-date and complete • uses appropriate and inclusive language • uses correct spelling, grammar and punctuation • presents an appropriate amount of information on each page • uses headings and lists where appropriate to aid scanning • correctly references any works of other authors that have been used 8


6/5/2019 12:50:47 AM

Presentation and submission This assignment must be submitted electronically through the unit website as a single zip file named containing the directory of files (HTML files, CSS files and image files) that make up your website. Instructions for submitting assignments electronically are available on the unit website. Before you submit your solution, copy the website from your development computer to another computer to test it. If you have inadvertently used absolute URLs instead of relative URLs in your code, or if you have used fonts that are not widely available, these problems will quickly become apparent. Also check the assessment criteria to ensure that you have covered everything that is required.

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