Website effectiveness-usability and suitability

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Reference no: EM13193130

STEP 2: Establish criteria for determining website effectiveness, usability, and suitability

Create criteria that can be used to evaluate websites based on how effective they are, how easy they are to use, and whether or not they are suitable for their intended purpose and audience.
Write your evaluative criteria (in your own words) using Microsoft Word or some other word processing software with which you are familiar. This information will become the content of your web page.
Save your document so that you don't lose your work. Use the built-in features in your word processing software to check your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. (Be aware, however, that word processing software doesn't catch errors regarding proper word usage; always proofread your work, read it aloud, or better still, have someone proofread it for you).
You will not need to submit your notes, only your finished HTML file.

Students often ask how long this content must be. I recommend a minimum of four criteria, each described in a paragraph of at least five sentences. Use details and examples where appropriate to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts. You'll need to make sure that you've written enough on your page to demonstrate your understanding of the basic principles of website design, and also to have enough text to work with for the HTML coding in the next step. Helpful Hint: Chapter 2 in your textbook describes many web design principles. It would be an excellent starting point.

STEP 3: Using Notepad; title and heading, applying HTML formatting
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Important: DO NOT USE SAVE AS HTML IN MS WORD or use WORDPAD (WordPad and Notepad are not the same thing.). DO NOT USE ANY WEB PAGE CREATION PRODUCT or any other MS OFFICE PRODUCT. For this iLab, you must type in the HTML yourself, and you may only use a plain text editor. Refer to the Notes section at the bottom of this page if you need help finding/using Notepad for the first time. If you see that the software you have opened allows you to insert images or other objects, you are inWordPad or some other software by mistake. In a true text editor like Notepad, you can only use plain ASCII text in your document. Notepad is the only product you can use to type or edit the code for this web page assignment.

Open Notepad.
Type the following code, beginning at the top of the blank page in Notepad, substituting your own first and last name as well as the evaluation criteria that you established in Step 2. 

Reference no: EM13193130

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