Website creation

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM1380155

Question: Construct a basic, generic structure of a web site. Name it something generic etc. Demonstrate some basic layout of the content of the pages. Then simply add some meta tag data, feel free to improvise when needed. Assess some hosting company's functionalities and make a simple registration form for the website.

Make it a transaction-based process of your web site. Upload your web pages to your hosting server. Test the web site for accessibility.

Consider the target audience for your site. Why have you chosen this market segment? Create a basic persona of the user that you expect to use the site. Does the content and presentation extend to as wide a range of potential customers as possible?

Describe the type of site you are going to build. Provide a rationale as to why you feel your model user will correctly represent visitors to your site.


Reference no: EM1380155

Questions Cloud

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Find efficiency of high speed digital transmission system : Assume I have a multiplexer that is connected to a high speed digital transmission system that can transfer 1,536,000 data bits per second.
Website creation : Construct a basic, generic structure of a web site. Name it something generic etc. Demonstrate some basic layout of the content of the pages.
Design a dss to help decision-makers : Design a DSS to help decision-makers run the 2012 London Olympics-Write down the step-by-step solution to train the classifier by the basic perceptron learning rule.
Problems on edges and graphs : Suppose if we add an edge to a biconnected graph with k strongly connected components, then there are 3-situations: the endpoints of edge lie in different strongly connected component and there is no path between 2 in the original graph,
Finding total available storage capacity : A certain hard disk has 480 cylinders, sixteen tracks, and thirty-two sectors of 512 bytes each. It spins at 4800 revolutions per minute, and has an adjacent cylinder seek time of eighty msec, and a max seek time of onde hundred msec.
Creating visual web application : Make a Visual Studio.NET 2005 web application with one aspx form. Place a CheckBoxList, TextBox, Button, and Label control on the form.


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