Web traffic to and from server is in plain text

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133192710 , Length: 6 Pages

You work for an organization that is in the defense-contracting field. The federal government audited your organization, as part of doing business with it, and you failed to meet the following requirements.

Web traffic to and from server is in plain text.

There are some sensitive emails also being sent outside of organizations that are not encrypted.

Reference no: EM133192710

Questions Cloud

Leadership Role Of CIO : We have learned about Leadership roles in IT, one of these roles is that of a CIO. Discuss your views and expectations regarding the various skills
Report analysis of canadian solar essay : Name the 10 levels of the DGI Data Governance framework from the Data Governance Institute?
Develop cause and effect diagram for the situation : Using your force field analysis, develop a cause and effect diagram for the situation.
The steps of the security process : Discuss the process of security. Discuss the steps of the security process. Discuss the characteristics of intrusion detection.
Web traffic to and from server is in plain text : Medical University of South Carolina-Web traffic to and from server is in plain text.
Personal disaster recovery plan : Create (if necessary) and share your personal disaster recovery procedure for your home computer.
Risk mitigation plan : Senior management at Health Network allocated funds to support a risk mitigation plan. Describe aspects like implementing within budget and staying on schedule
Records Management : ITS 83340-From the Chapter, we have learned from that Records Management (RM) is a key impact area of IG - so much that in the RM space,
Cyber defense in web based attacks : A description of the major security concerns for web or mobile application development,


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