Web designers have moved away from doing the coding in html5

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM13970249

One of the key things to notice about the website is how "clean" the HTML source is. You don't see it cluttered with nested tables, physical tags, inline styles, etc. All of the heavy lifting is done through the external CSS file. I did have a question regarding your last statement about "web designers have moved away from doing the coding in HTML5 and started using tools like Dreamweaver to get the page design...". Could you elaborate what exactly you meant about web designers moving away from doing the coding in HTML5?

Reference no: EM13970249

Questions Cloud

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Write a program to simulate the queue size : Write a program to simulate the queue size. Use this simulation to help formulate a conjecture containing conditions on µ and λ that will ensure that the queue will have times when it is empty.
Web designers have moved away from doing the coding in html5 : Could you elaborate what exactly you meant about web designers moving away from doing the coding in HTML5?
Making a presentation to the board of directors : The second and final part of the case study is due at the end of Unit 4. Part 2 of the case study is a PowerPoint presentation with voiceover recording. The Voiceover will be the narrative you would be presenting as if this were a live presentation. ..
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Write a program to simulate the random variables : Write a program to simulate the random variables whose densities are given by the following, making a suitable bar graph of each and comparing the exact density with the bar graph.
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Basic Computer Science Questions & Answers

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