We get whistling noises and static instead of music

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133262273

Activity: correct each of the following run-ons below:

Wilbur's motorized wheelchair broke down he was unable to go to class.
The subway train hurtled through the station, a blur of spray paint and graffiti flashed in front of my eyes.
Tillie panicked the car had stalled on a dangerous curve.
Half the class flunked the exam the other half of the students were absent.
One reason for the high cost of new furniture is the cost of good wood one walnut tree, for example, sold for $40,000.e
The wedding reception began to get out of hand, guests started to throw cake at each other.
Jamal's pitchfork turned over the rich earth earthworms poked their heads out of the new furrows.
There were a lot of unusual people at the party a few of the women had shaved heads.
Carol talks all the time her tongue is getting calluses.
Hundreds of crushed cars were piled in neat stacks, the rusted hulks resembled flattened tin cans.
I wish Carl would not fall asleep in class his snoring drowns out the lecture.
The crime rate in this country is increasing, every eight seconds another home is burglarized.
Our car radio is not working properly, we get whistling noises and static instead of music.
Cats sleep in all sorts of unusual places, our new cat likes to curl up in the bathroom sink
The telephone rang at least fifteen times nobody felt like getting up to answer it.

Reference no: EM133262273

Questions Cloud

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