Watched product demonstrations seemed interested in computer

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Reference no: EM13520547

1. "The Macintosh computer display was located in the campus free speech area; many who watched the product demonstrations seemed interested in computers." What slanter is being used here?
    proof surrogate
    no slanter

2. "If the university president is so dedicated to improving education, why are students worse off now than when she took office?" What slanter is being used here?
    loaded question
    no slanter

3. "David Letterman is the funniest man in America (as opinion polls show)." What is the phrase in parentheses?
    proof surrogate
    none of the above

4. Saddam Hussein called his hostages "guests." What slanter did he use?
    There is no slanter being used.

5. "Several recent studies show that Tylenol is really more effective against headache pain than Motrin." What slanter is being used here?
    proof surrogate
    none of the above

6. "A lawsuit is a machine which you go into as a pig and come out as a sausage" (adapted from Ambrose Bierce). What slanter is being used here?
    persuasive comparison
    proof surrogate

7. An ad that brings out pleasurable feelings in us as we watch it on television is thus giving us a good reason to buy that particular product or service.

8. A fallacy is any bad argument in which the reasons advanced for a claim fail to warrant its acceptance.

9. Appeals to pity are always irrelevant.

10. Several types of pseudoreasoning are used as smokescreens to draw the listener or reader away from the point at issue.

11. Mr. Barnett, I'm here to discuss my grade, but before I do I'd like to compliment you on your choice of suspenders. I think they really give you a distinguished look! Gosh, I'm so proud just to be in your class!" What kind of pseudoreasoning is being used here?
    apple polishing
    appeal to pity
    peer pressure
    two wrongs make a right

12. "The Soviets have no reason to criticize the United States for producing the kind of pollution that leads to acid rain because it was the Soviets, you remember, who polluted the world with radiation in the Chernobyl nuclear disaster." What kind of pseudoreasoning is being used here?
    appeal to pity
    two wrongs make a right
    peer pressure vappeal to belief
    appeal to spite

13. Considerations about a person's credibility are irrelevant to the question of whether that person's premises establish his or her conclusion.

14. Personal attack is an instance of ad hominem "reasoning."

15. "If you experiment frequently with certain highly addictive drugs, the first thing you know you'll be seriously dependent on them." This is an example of slippery slope pseudoreasoning.

16. "Of course Coach Pigslop would come out in favor of more money for athletics! Since he's the coach, he stands to benefit from bigger budgets!" What kind of pseudoreasoning does this passage use?
    false dilemma
    straw man
    begging the question
    circumstantial ad hominem

17. "When compared to paramedics, firefighters have a much faster response time to emergencies. The reasons for this are that firefighters have much more extensive in-the-field experience and are generally located within urban areas. In addition, paramedics have a much slower response time to emergencies." What kind of pseudoreasoning is being used here?
    straw man
    begging the question
    genetic fallacy
    slippery slope

18. Chen visits the doctor at the campus health center and is told that he is seriously overweight and must go one a diet. But Chen rejects this advice on the grounds that the doctor is also overweight and is not doing anything about it. If Chen is indulging in pseudoreasoning, what kind?
    straw man
    genetic fallacy
    begging the question
    no pseudoreasoning

Reference no: EM13520547

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