Reference no: EM131378429
Applying Theory to a Case Study
Select one of the two available video clips to the right.
The video will begin playing immediately.
Pause the video and notice under the Clips heading to the right, either you will see the "Case Study of Carol (30:38) or Case Study of Paul (26:40) depending on which video you have selected.
Move the video play head to the timestamp of the video. This will be the number in parentheses.
Watch the Case Study
Choose one of the following theories and use your chosen theory and chosen video clip to complete all of the questions in this assignment.
Watch the video clip of a supervisor and therapist discussing the case you have selected. The information from the video will supplement the information in the write-up. Assess the client being described in the video and that client's related issues using the questions provided.
Using only one case study and one counseling theory throughout your paper, provide a detailed response to each of the following questions. For example, if you chose Carol and Psychoanalytic Theory, you would answer all of the following questions about Carol using the psychoanalytic theory.
Based upon all that you know about your client, identify and describe what in your opinion is your client's most significant problem? This may or may not be the stated "Reason for referral" that is written at the start of each profile. Give a detailed rationale for your assessment and provide supporting evidence from the profile and/or counseling session video clip.
Identify at least two secondary problems from the client's profile or video that should be addressed at some point in the counseling process. Explain your rationale in some detail for choosing each of these with supporting evidence from the written profile and/or the video.
Using your chosen counseling theory, describe what your theory says about the possible cause or origin of the primary problem discussed in question 1 above. Here, you are trying to explain the assumptions your chosen theory makes about problems that might be seen in a counseling situation.
For example if you assessed your client's primary problem as low self-esteem, a psychoanalytic therapist would delve into the unconscious whereas an Adlerian would explore family history and a reality therapist would look at choices the person has previously made. Explain in detail by including concepts and terms from your chosen counseling theory to support your perspective.
Explain at least three counseling techniques or core principles from your chosen counseling theory that could be used to address the primary and secondary problems of your client. Explain how each of these techniques or principles would be applied in the counseling session and the expected outcome of each.
Given what you know about your client's situation, identify one cultural issue that is significant in the client's life outside of therapy or could become an issue between the client and therapist in the therapy session. After explaining the issue, explain two ways the therapist could sensitively address this cultural issue with the client in a way that that avoids stereotyping or bias. Remember to integrate your chosen theory into the discussion.
If you were to see this client on an ongoing basis, describe the types of change or outcomes you could realistically expect to see in your client, in light of the primary and secondary problems mentioned earlier using your identified approach in therapy. Be specific and show how the process of therapy with this counseling approach would lead to the outcomes you discuss.
Your paper should be double-spaced and in 12 point, Times New Roman font with normal one-inch margins, written in APA style, and free of typographical and grammatical errors. It should include a title page with a running head, an abstract and a reference page. The body of the paper should be 6 - 8 pages in length.
Link to video for Case Study of Carol (30:38)
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