Reference no: EM133409916
Watch Political Ideologies and Read Political Socialization. Using information from these sources, explain your political socialization process. Think about how you gained your political beliefs, ideas and activities (i.e., voting, working on a political campaign and/or participating in a political march/rally). Here are questions to get you started.
1. How politically active are you? Are you actively seeking accurate information from credible sources? If so, from which sources? Social Media? If so, which one(s)? Mass media such as mainstream news sources? If so, which one(s)?
2. Did or does your family discuss politics? Do or did they discuss people or topics? What tone were those discussions? Constructive or harsh? Please describe.
3. Do you and your friends or peers discuss politics, policies or elections? How would you describe those discussions?
4. Thinking back to the last election, were there discussions in your classes about it? What were those discussions like? Informative and constructive?
5. How do you evaluate the information and the sources that you and your agents of socialization are using to gain information about US politics?