Watch classical and operant conditioning

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Reference no: EM131524356

Learning: Classroom of Life

To prepare for this discussion, please read Chapter 5 of your textbook. In addition, watch Classical and Operant Conditioning. Finally, review Instructor Guidance and Announcements. In this discussion, you will consider learning from a psychological perspective by explaining operant conditioning and applying it to a real-life scenario. Be sure to use your own academic voice (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and apply in-text citations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. appropriately throughout your post.

Watch Classical and Operant Conditioning, which distinguishes between classical and operant conditioning by describing many important concepts.

Discuss learning. In your discussion, include the following:

Describe operant conditioning.

Select one of the following situations from everyday life in which learning (i.e. a relatively permanent change in behavior) is desirable.

Margot wants her husband, Todd, to stop leaving his dirty laundry on the floor.

Coach K wants to increase his basketball players' free throw percentages.

Mr. Moore wants his dog to stop jumping up on visitors.

Biggs Boss wants his employees to arrive on time.

Mrs. O'Neill wants her preschoolers to raise their hands before speaking.

Joe wants his son to earn good grades.

Jack wants his girlfriend, Jill, to show more affection.

Marty wants his friend, Dave, to stop smoking.

Prepare a behavior modification plan in which you effectively utilize operant conditioning principles to change the behavior of the targeted individual(s).

Clearly identify and describe suitable reinforcers or punishers to attain your desired outcome.

Example: If I want my son to eat his vegetables (i.e., increase a desired behavior), I could do several things.

If he eats his vegetables, I could apply a positive reinforcer by adding something he does like, such as screen time; alternatively, I could apply a negative reinforcer by taking away something he does not like, such as one of his weekly chores.

If he does not eat his vegetables, I could apply a positive punisher by adding something he does not like, such as a new weekly chore; alternatively, I could apply a negative punisher by taking away something he does like, such as screen time.

Defend your use of reinforcement and/or punishment as applied to the scenario. Why did you choose it? Why do you expect it to work?

Apply your knowledge of ethical considerations as relevant to operant conditioning.

Remember to use your own academic voice (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and apply in-text citations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. appropriately throughout your post.

Discussion 2 : Intelligence: Street Smarts

To prepare for this discussion, please read Chapter 6 of your textbook. In addition, read "Chapter 1: In a nutshell" (pp. 3-24) and "Chapter 10: Assessment in context: The alternative to standardized testing" (pp. 167-192) in Multiple intelligences: New horizons (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. as well as "Cultural explorations of human intelligence around the world (Links to an external site.)

Links to an external site.". Finally, review Instructor Guidance and Announcements. In this discussion, you will consider theories of intelligence. Be sure to use your own academic voice (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and apply in-text citations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. appropriately throughout your post.

Read "Cultural explorations of human intelligence around the world (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site." (Sternberg (2002).

Select a famous person (or fictional character) who you believe epitomizes successful intelligenceas outlined in the textbook and assigned readings.

Choose and describe specific characteristics or behaviors of this person that support your selection with regard to analytical, creative, and practical abilities.

Explain how both nature and nurture (including social and cultural factors) may have played a role in the development of this individual's intelligence.

Read "Chapter 1: In a nutshell" (pp. 3-24) and "Chapter 10: Assessment in context: The alternative to standardized testing" (pp. 167-192).

Relate whether the theory of multiple intelligences might better characterize your selected individual.

Predict whether this person would do well on a standard intelligence test, based on what you have read. Give examples of alternate means of measuring intelligence.

Remember to use your own academic voice (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and apply in-text citations (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. appropriately throughout your post.

Reference no: EM131524356

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