Watch chasing zero-winning the war on healthcare harm

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133670309 , Length: Word Count:175


You watched the "Chasing Zero: Winning the War on Healthcare Harm" video. Think about the profound effect the care these families received had on the future of so many people.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • How do you positively or negatively affect the quality and safety of the care your patients receive?
  • Think of two specific cases or examples you or your organization may have experienced or might experience.
  • What actions have you or could you take in your organization to avoid the situation(s)?

Reference no: EM133670309

Questions Cloud

Describe an aboriginal population group : Describe an aboriginal population group, community, or ethnic/cultural group in Western Australia that will be the target of your health promotion activity.
Describe the academic nurse educators role : Describe the academic nurse educator's role, student population, courses taught, and learning environment.
Establish a baseline measure of the safety and quality issue : Establish a baseline measure of the safety and quality issue. Evaluate the effectiveness of the near-miss transfusion errors in the ICU.
How beneficial is telehealth for acute treatment : How beneficial is telehealth for acute treatment and various sorts of conditions.
Watch chasing zero-winning the war on healthcare harm : How do you positively or negatively affect the quality and safety of the care your patients receive?
Discuss plagiarism and academic integrity : We are also going to discuss plagiarism and academic integrity. Let us explore how these will influence us as nurses.
Develop a proposal for an intervention plan : For the first section of your final capstone project you will develop a proposal for an intervention plan to fulfill a need within a specific population.
What corrective measures can be instituted : You find a boggy fundus during your assessment. What corrective measures can be instituted?
Explain how a pathology collector undertakes : In your own words, briefly explain how a Pathology Collector undertakes the following: Being proactive.


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