Was this technological progress neutral

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Reference no: EM131345831

Until the mid-eighteenth century when spinning became mechanized, cotton was an expensive and relatively unimportant textile (Virginia Postrel, "What Separates Rich Nations from Poor Nations?" New York Times, January 1, 2004). Where it used to take an Indian hand-spinner 50,000 hours to handspin 100 pounds of cotton, an operator of a 1760sera hand-operated cotton mule-spinning machine could produce 100 pounds of stronger thread in 300 hours. When the self-acting mule spinner automated the process after 1825, the time dropped to 135 hours, and cotton became an inexpensive, common cloth. Was this technological progress neutral? In a figure, show how these technological changes affected isoquants.

Reference no: EM131345831

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Was this technological progress neutral : When the self-acting mule spinner automated the process after 1825, the time dropped to 135 hours, and cotton became an inexpensive, common cloth. Was this technological progress neutral? In a figure, show how these technological changes affected ..
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