Reference no: EM133441269
Business Week, in an article dealing with management, wrote, "When he took over the furniture factory three years ago ... [the manager] realized almost immediately that it was throwing away at least $100,000 a year worth of wood scrap. Within a few weeks, he set up a task force of managers and workers to deal with the problem. And within a few months, they reduced the amount of scrap to $7,000 worth [per year]."
Was this necessarily an economically efficient move? Explain your answer.
• Postings should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of four paragraphs.
• Address the question as much as possible (do not let the discussion stray).
• Try to use quotes from your articles or other sources that support your postings.
Include page numbers.
• Bring in related prior knowledge (work experience, prior coursework, readings, etc.) when appropriate.
• Use proper language, correct spelling, correct punctuation, etc.