Was the question adequately aligned with the research

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133587119

Article 1:

Lori Artis & Susan Bartel (2021) Filling the Leadership Pipeline: A Qualitative Study Examining Leadership Development Practices and Challenges Facing Community College Presidents in Illinois, Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 45:9, 674-686

What are the main concepts of this article?

What would a research question be about this article? Was the question adequately aligned with the research method and design?

What is the conceptual or theoretical framework of this article?

What is the population description? Sample description? N= (number of actual participants)?

What is the research method (approach) & design applied without including data collection and data analysis information?

What is a brief summary of the findings of this article?

Article 2:

Booher, Lydia (06/2021). "Leadership self-perception of clinical nurses at the bedside: A qualitative descriptive study." Journal of Clinical .

What are the main concepts of this article?

What would a research question be about this article? Was the question adequately aligned with the research method and design?

What is the conceptual or theoretical framework of this article?

What is the population description? Sample description? N= (number of actual participants)?

What is the research method (approach) & design applied without including data collection and data analysis information?

What is a brief summary of the findings of this article?

Article 3

Toseef M, Kiran A, Zhuo S, Jahangir M, Riaz S, Wei Z, Ghauri TA, Ullah I, Ahmad SB. Inspirational Leadership and Innovative Communication in Sustainable Organizations: A Mediating Role of Mutual Trust.

What are the main concepts of this article?

What would a research question be about this article? Was the question adequately aligned with the research method and design?

What is the conceptual or theoretical framework of this article?

What is the population description? Sample description? N= (number of actual participants)?

What is the research method (approach) & design applied without including data collection and data analysis information?

What is a brief summary of the findings of this article?

Article 4
Saleem, F., Malik, M. I., & Muhammad, K. M. (2021). Toxic Leadership and Safety Performance: Does Organizational Commitment Act as Stress Moderator? Cogent Business & Management, 8(1)

What are the main concepts of this article?

What would a research question be about this article? Was the question adequately aligned with the research method and design?

What is the conceptual or theoretical framework of this article?

What is the population description? Sample description? N= (number of actual participants)?

What is the research method (approach) & design applied without including data collection and data analysis information?

What is a brief summary of the findings of this article?

Reference no: EM133587119

Questions Cloud

Retirement plans technical skills training : Retirement plans technical skills training significant increase in base salaries, plus performance-based incentives work process training cross-cultural
Provide an examination of who conducts appraisals : Provide an examination of who conducts appraisals (the various possible rating situations) and the available tools for appraising performance
What should a manager have done in the train station : What should a manager have done in the train station fire audio? How could a manager encourage better communication between their staff
What are the most important lessons learned : What are the most important lessons learned regarding leadership as it relates to Project Management? and why? Are there some areas that we feel we need
Was the question adequately aligned with the research : What would a research question be about this article? Was the question adequately aligned with the research method and design?
Analyze the influence of early quality improvement theories : Analyze the influence of early quality improvement theories and philosophies on the development of the quality indicators you selected. Be specific.
What advantages do you see in using both types of methods : What advantages or disadvantages do you see in using both types of methods in a nursing study? Support your answer with current evidence-based literature.
Is it possible to increase retention by hiring : Given that a truck driver shortage is expected around the world, how can trucking companies attract employees who will fit best and stay the longest
Concepts of leadership and community : What are the differences, and dependencies, between localization and federation when applied to concepts of leadership and community


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