Was the code does syntactically right

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13942282

Access the array 4 Java program. Code, compile, and run the program. There are four lines of code marked (1)..(4) that you must explain after analyzing the code, running the program, and examining the output. Post to the Answer Forum an explaination of each of the lines of code (1..4),import java.io.*;

public class array4 //class code block
public static final double value1 = 25.5; //class variable

public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException //method code block of class


int x,y;
int max = 20;
double a,b;
int[] ints1 = new int[max]; //creates array of integers (1)

System.out.println(ints1[0]); //array elements initialized to zero
x = 25;
y = 15;
ints1[0]= x++ + y++; // (2)
System.out.println(ints1[0]); //value is 40 and is precedence dependent

for(int i=0;i<ints1.length;++i) // (3)
ints1[i]=i+2; // (4)


that is, what the code does syntactically and what it does in the program.

Reference no: EM13942282

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